


Filed under: blogging,neat!,wordpress @ 11:05

I’m in San Francisco at the moment here at the WordCamp convention. So far I’ve learned how to “write a compelling blog” (please, have you been to blogwaffe before?).

More to the point, I finally got to meet Podz and Matt.

For all the readers at home, you can check out the .

Update 08.07.2006:

After lunch I went to talks about WordPress MU, server optimization and a really good one on microformats. I also met Ryan, Mark, Andy, and Donncha.

The day was made all the sweeter by the bumping afterparty. By the way, Ryan, your penalty for not attending the postWordCamp bash is to recommend to me a favorite beer of yours.


Welcome, friends!

Filed under: a group of folks,blogging,neat!,news @ 23:10

I know you’ve always wanted to post on blogwaffe. Or perhaps you’ve dreamed of publishing content on Apparent Horizons or \_jeff_{krimmel}.

Well you can’t.


But you can hit up the next big thing (next great American novel, big) over at email for pics (dot com).


WordPress — 02:22

Another WordPress update. It’s a security release, so you should definitely upgrade.


AJAX Comment Preview

Filed under: blogging,neat! @ 19:09

UPDATE: The documentation for this plugin is now on my AJAX Comment Preview page. All the talk below of the installation being hard is out of date. Things are much easier now.

I’ve looked around occasionally for a good comment preview plugin for the site. There’s a few “Live” preview plugins around, but I find an as-you-type update of your comment really annoying. Plus, those plugins are entirely javascript based; they can’t know what the server will do to a comment after it gets sent off, so it’s not robustly WYSIWIG.

There seemed to be no good pre-fab solution fitting all my criteria:

  1. Not live updating (who’d have thought you’d need to specify the negative)
  2. All content filtered through WordPress ensuring solid WYSIWIGnitude
  3. Delicious AJAX goodness to avoid hard refreshes

So I made my own.

Read more…



Filed under: a group of folks,blogging,neat! @ 13:09

I’ve been interested in a while in some sort of centralized feed reader. Currently, I use NetNewsWire on my laptop (a fantastic program), and Thunderbird at the office to keep track of all the sites I read. The problem is that the one reader I use doesn’t know anything about the other; I get fed the same articles in both.

Read more…


A new method of narcissism — 14:01

After an email from Jeff regarding new comments on old posts, and in thinking of a side discussion on the old end of the world post, I’ve put up a link to blogwaffe’s most discussed posts there on the sidebar under the recent comments. Go and amuse yourself.


WordPress 1.5.1 — 14:34

The new release of WordPress is out. Time to upgrade.


Pimpin’ it. — 19:58

Everything is good in the world when your blogging software now has a function called pimp_firefox().


Seven in One Stroke

Filed under: a group of folks,blogging,neat!,news @ 12:27

OK, so it’s really only two, not seven. And, to be fair, it was two separate strokes, but they came in such quick succession that they can be considered ‘nearly’ the same.

The news? Two new blogs driven by the best software for the job, WordPress (Sorry Dixie, xaosseed, Ted. It’s just plain true).

Paul.za and I helped these two set up their impressive sites (impressive by their own accord, not through our help) in as many days. We may have to start some sort of venture. If we do, I say we call it “Phase three: profit!”.


Site goal #1 met — 15:09

I’ve now broken even: 217 posts and 217 comments. A big step from .in need of a life..

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