
In Brief Category

These tidbits are short enough that they'd waste space if they were displayed as "real" posts, but are too important not to include. They're typically just links to some "interesting" somethign.


DrLP takes on the latest Olympic controversy — 10:02

Torino v. Turin: the final battle.


Go get your money! — 00:01

MDA, remember to send in that cellphone rebate!


Wonder no longer — 15:38

This is the reason I do my best to separate my personal from my professional correspondence.


Canola Oil — 01:22

Your feelings about cooking/baking with canola oil. Discuss.


Who? — 12:42

Who made me delicious cookies and how long have they been sitting in my office?


Rejected — 17:31

I will not be serving jury duty anytime soon. My name was never called.


I don’t mean to point fingers — 14:28

Look, all I’m saying is that the mint plant was doing just fine until Greg chose to water it with orange Fanta.


It is finished — 14:51

As of 11:30 this morning, I have officially passed both of my physics quals.


Bottle Rocket — 18:35

If anyone wants to watch Bottle Rocket, I have it until Monday noon.


Wish I’d taken a picture — 17:46

I see Greg for the first time in about a week this afternoon. He comes rolling in to the SLR with his luggage, a tomato and a case of the high life. Priceless.

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