

Took a while for me to Post

Filed under: neat!,news @ 15:36

… but, it’s worth mentioning anyway. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is finished, according to the author herself. A release date is to be announced within the next twenty-four hours.

More information.

UPDATE.12.21.2004: July 16, 2005.



Filed under: blogging,dr. language person,neat!,news @ 22:31

Amaze your friends! Be the first on your Block! Now Posable!!

Blogwafffe is proud to introduce a hot, new and huge catchy hook: ‘Ask Dr. Language Person‘.

With a monicker shamelessly ripped from Dave Barry, a real live professional linguist will be receiving any linguistic or otherwise language oriented questions posted at sprachwaffe. So ask away. Keep them clean, though; it is my dad.


31337 wprd9Rez haX0r

Filed under: blogging,devel,neat! @ 20:19

I submitted a bug to the wordpress development team and I now see that the fix I submitted along with it has been included in the official source. It’s uncredited (I accidently submitted anonymously, and I have no idea if they’d have credited me even if I had remembered to put my name down), but that doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. It was such a minor little tweak, that I can remain happy in my anonymity. Not that I’d be chagrined if I submitted something more important and was left uncredited.

To take the highground (and the soapbox), being able to use such high-quality open source software is enough for me.

A shout-out through the ether to the people at wordpress.

UPDATE I spoke too soon – it turns out it wasn’t my code, it was the exact same code generated, I presume independently, by someone else. No matter, at least I know it was a good idea.


Order UP!

Filed under: neat!,photos @ 23:26

Who ever thought you could fry an entire turkey, all at once? Who ever thought you could do it in a scant thirty-eight minutes.



One of those dumb internet quizzes

We’ve all taken them. From them, I’ve learned I’m a gin and tonic, a freakin’ accountant, a demon in the sack, and that I don’t know the difference between Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Osama bin Laden. But when I saw What Religion are You (Mystery of the zen hex – The truth that is pulled over your eyes to blind you from the world), on some livejournal account I got to from the coven (xaosseed -> spankarella), I was intrigued.

Turns out I’m of “unknown category” but that I lie somewhere between modern satanist and average christian.

Oh man, I nearly cried. Couldn’t ask for more entertaining results.



Filed under: a group of folks,music,neat! @ 18:04

My dad went to a Death Cab for Cutie concert last night. Calling it a “cultural experience”, he says the (almost) last concert he went to was a Simon and Garfunkel in Chicago. And I’m sure he’s not talking about a reunion tour. Apparently he was a few standard deviations away from the mean age, but he saw lots of people there he knows (contemporaries of Allen’s or mine, people he knows from church, additional degrees of separation, etc.).

The sold out concert was, in his terms, “loud and energetic” and “not bad at all”. He certainly seems to have enjoyed himself.

I’m not sure I could ever have dragged either of my parents to a similar concert while I was in high school. Though, to be fair, I doubt I would have wanted to. But he’s good friends with a couple kids from church (juniors or seniors by now – damn), and they convinced him to go (without their parents of course).

Glad he had fun. Now if only he and Mom will go see the movies I tell them to.


Latex Rendering

Filed under: blogging,neat! @ 12:04

Trying out Latexrender and its wordpress plugin. [tex]\displaystyle \pi = \sum _{k=0} ^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{16^k} \left[\dfrac{4}{8k+1}-\dfrac{2}{8k+4}-\dfrac{1}{8k+5}-\dfrac{1}{8k+6}


Three Words

Filed under: grilled cheese,neat! @ 23:22





I am among the Chosen

Filed under: neat! @ 01:47

Do not let the unbelievers tell you otherwise. I am a keeper of secret knowledge, a gnostic. I will find deliverance before all others. I will see glory in this world others will not have noticed even until their deaths.

I was enlightened in the beginning, many ages past, but have only now found it my calling to raise up any that will follow after me. And my people will follow. Just as I have learned from my mentors, my shepherds, my counselors, so too will those that heed me, those that listen now, find beauty and hope in this bleak world our home.

I have signed up to receive instant SMS notification of the publication date of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince as soon as that knowledge is available.

And, verily, all too may do likewise.


Gmail Invites Anyone? — 22:53

Comment if you want one.

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