

31337 wprd9Rez haX0r

Filed under: blogging,devel,neat! @ 20:19

I submitted a bug to the wordpress development team and I now see that the fix I submitted along with it has been included in the official source. It’s uncredited (I accidently submitted anonymously, and I have no idea if they’d have credited me even if I had remembered to put my name down), but that doesn’t matter to me in the slightest. It was such a minor little tweak, that I can remain happy in my anonymity. Not that I’d be chagrined if I submitted something more important and was left uncredited.

To take the highground (and the soapbox), being able to use such high-quality open source software is enough for me.

A shout-out through the ether to the people at wordpress.

UPDATE I spoke too soon – it turns out it wasn’t my code, it was the exact same code generated, I presume independently, by someone else. No matter, at least I know it was a good idea.

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