Last night I ate an incredibly delicious five course vegan meal. Totally amazing. Right now I’m eating hot pockets. Please don’t feel ashamed. I do not. Posted in the “posted to make certain people slightly nauseous” category.03.07.2007
Orange Soda
I remember a time when I really enjoyed orange soda, but I just had a can of Sunkist and couldn’t finish it it was so bad. Do I hate all orange soda or is it just Sunkist that sucks?02.17.2007
Sini Fulvi Fontal
A delicious cheese available from Whole Foods. A bit gouda-esque.Black Cow Cafe
Seeking adventure, Michelle and I drove up to Montrose, California to check out the scene and have some lunch. Having heard of (googled) its reputation, we decided to eat at the Black Cow Cafe (terrible website).
It was awesome: Pleasant ambiance and really good food. Apparently it’s the place to eat brunch, so the staff was a little swamped, but we were seated and served fairly quickly.
I highly recommend the Banana Bread French Toast; totally amazing. Michelle really enjoyed her omelette and even finished her whole breakfast!
Canola Oil
Your feelings about cooking/baking with canola oil. Discuss.10.17.2005
Who made me delicious cookies and how long have they been sitting in my office?09.21.2005
You may be thinking this post will be about the Korean War or American suburbia. You’d be wrong.
Last night, Jeff, Paul.za, Greg and I hit up two modern classics of the fast food industry: Del Taco’s Taco Tuesday and McDonald’s’ Tuesday McNugget special. A total of twenty-one tacos and forty-two nuggets were purchased and devoured (by no means a record), eight and twelve by me; over a period of approximately thirty minutes I consumed about 1950 Calories (for Ariele’s sake, I won’t do the math of Jeff’s intake).
I say this not as a means of instigating competition (which I’d surely lose) but rather to point out how strange it is to consume a day’s worth of caloric content in a single meal. Me: “I eat because I can.” Starving kid: “I eat when I can.”
I’d feel bad about my gluttony except Greg came up with a nice inductive proof allowing for the consumption of an arbitrary number of tacos/nuggets without sin.

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