

thai for bonnie

.i never mentioned friday. .it was bonnie‘s birthday, so a bunch of us went out to saladang song for thai. .really good. .i showed up late, but everyone else had collectively ordered an impressive family style spread. .i’m still not completely over the fantastic seafood curry. .afterwards, we went back to the birthday girl’s and attacked a really tasty rum cake. .i was a bit worried that the cake claimed to have an infinite shelf life, but i figured the various curries i’d just eaten would help neutralize any of the space age chemicals i took in.

?is anyone else afflicted with the following disorder? .after singing “the lion and the unicorn” for at least 3.2 months of my life (a figure determined by integrating “the lion and the unicorn”(t) over my childhood years), i can no longer see or speak the words “rum cake” without at least mentally moving up a third with a slight crescendo. .odd since it’s “plum cake” in the old rhyme. .anyway, the cake was good (even if its ingredients suspect). .thereafter, i joined bert ace and jeff at the yardhouse to further celebrate bert’s birthday. .later joined by greg, heidi and paul.za. .ah. .and while we’re on the subject of birthdays, happy birthday aaron (a week ago sunday).

.as for sunday, we went out to mogol bbq near colorado and rosemead. .all you can eat bbq along with salads, egg rolls, dumblings {you heard me}, crunchies, some neat sesame pocket bread, and (tofu) eggdrop soup. .i couldn’t have left more full.


now a true californian

.picked up my new sunglasses today. .ray-bans. .they don’t sit quite as close to my face as i thought they did because of the gigantic lenses. .i’ve got 30 days to decide if i want to return them for a full refund. .i might also get them to grind down the inside edges of the lenses a bit so that the nose pads can move outward a bit more. .do let me know what you think, since i may return them. .apropos: it’s really a good deal lens crafters has. .for perscription glasses, i have 30 days to see if i like them. .if i don’t, i can return or exchange them. .these are custom lenses, it’s not like they can use them for anything else. .if i decide i just plain don’t like the glasses, they just have to eat the lenses. ?and could they resell the frames to anyone? .probably only at a discount. .i suppose the tradeoff is that their merchandise is more expensive than other optics shops (i couldn’t say – i didn’t shop around). .but it may just be worth it, even though they are a giant chain.

.over some delicious guacamoles ariele made bert, jeff and i, we discussed penis envy. .due to the discussion, i came up with the following as yet ill formed notion: historically, men (as individuals) have competed to be the best, whereas women (as individuals) have competed to get the best (man). .think on it. .we later at amogios ended up with heidi, her mom _holly_, greg, and michelle. .though heidi’s mom ditched us, we still managed to have a good time subsequently at the undergrad house party. .that was the first time i’d heard suvir dj, and it turn out he’s awesome. .plus, ace apparently even got jeff to hit on c-mama.


ay, ay , ay-ay

.cinco de mustache. .grand ol time at amigo’s with aaron, rob, bonnie, adam greg and heidi. .speaking of heidi, she too has a new baby. .freakin’ baby fever over here.


a day of foreigners

!happy birthday bert! .katie cooked a fine meal, and we all talked a fine talk about roogby and how dublin has poor immunities. .props to uber and ger forsinking down to our level and coming to gli stati uniti.


city hall

.went on a city hall tour with bonnie, michelle and ~ariele. .it’s being restored and made seismically sound for when the big one hits, and this is the last time tours are available until 2006ish. .fairly interesting, but it did take a while before we actually got up into the dome. .i’d post the pictures, but i forgot to bring the cable to the lab, so i can’t upload them. .walked around town with bonnie for a while and ate dinner at fuddruckers. .pretty tasty burger. .i’ve been thinking this site needs some actual content as opposed to all this mindless drivel. .i’ve also been thinking we all know how quickly that will happen.


even more pathetic site

?you thought this site had bad content? .check out a wace of spaste by abu. .more interestingly, i saw spring, summer, fall, winter… and spring with heidi at laemmle. .really a nice movie, though the plot was a bit cliché. ?come on – who doesn’t like a little korean monk action? .let me know if you want to see twilight samurai.


option F

.well, i have officially admitted failure; i have submitted a petition to the cce division requesting summer funding because i couldn’t find a research group that could pay me. .i can’t imagine they’ll approve the petition, but it’s worth a shot. .in other news, ace has made me want to start keeping log of the restraunts i’ve patronized and the movies i’ve seen. .look to the future.

.point of the day goes to dixie for making a remarkable …point (too many… points) about hax0rificus 31337alious. .btw, thank you for using (s)he and not s/he. .i was just thinking last night about how much the later annoys.


a new word

.el cholo for dinner. .sad to say i liked el torrito better. .sad because el cholo is an la orginal and not (really) a chain. .ace and i had a fine time despite. .i’ve decided a good bit for a cartoon would be to have all the black characters talk like white people and all the white characters talk like black people. .by that i mean get black voices to do the whites and white actors to do the blacks. .obviously, you’d need more of a foundation than that for a cartoon, but i think it’d be a funny bit. .to describe the situation to the inevitable frenzy of media attention the show would attract, we came up with the word “ethnigma” (cf. “gender-bender”). ?how do you describe something to a frenzy, anyway? .seems like it be hard to get one’s attention.


dodge this

.went to the dodgers game with jeff ariele and shay-la. ?what is a dodger, anyway? .the question came up, and no one had an acceptable answer. .by acceptable, i do not mean “dodgers are like badgers with a do instead of a ba”. .we lost. .i feel i can say “we” since i’ve been to a game and have been officially indoctrinated into fandom. .but my were there some hunnies out. .baseball and swimming pools: gold mines each.


cooked meat

.jeff and i fired up the grills again in honor of ariele’s friend shay-la’s visit. .i meant to take pictures of the cooking process during which paul.za was kind enough to supply me with a beer, but forgot. .but you can see the (hopefully) happy eaters (soon) {!now!}. .speaking of ariele, i know her mom reads the site on occasion, so i should mention that during one of the many times i faithlessly strayed from maintaining the site her dad (ariele’s), bob, came into town. .he and ariele cooked us one of the best meals i’ve had in a while. .and nobody got salmonella. .but back to the present – or closer to it, anyway. .after dinner roger, shay-la, ariele jeff, slizzy, bert and i went to lucky‘s. .they had a barleywine fest going on that night. .a lot of it was quite good, but believe you me, i had some wierd tasting stuff.

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