

DrLP takes on the latest Olympic controversy — 10:02

Torino v. Turin: the final battle.


DrLP takes on Superman — 16:05

Or at least defines how we should talk about multiple Metropolises whenever the many worlds theory collides with the man of steel.


Holy Shit! — 17:27

sprachwaffe updated!


Thou shalt read sprachwaffe — 18:03

A new question from Dixie and a new response from DrLP.


On DrLP’s Wish List — 19:53

I doubt it’s computationally intractable, but the Dictionary Inversion Problem certainly requires a few TB worth of input: sprachwaffe.


Oh ye of little technological savvy

Greg says I should put a little shoutout to DrLP whenever sprachwaffe get’s updated. Come on, Greg, ever here of RSS?

But, really it’s not a bad idea. Who in their right mind would feed off of sprachwaffe. Except me, of course, but it’s for administrative purposes, I swear. And I think Paul.za does too. Him I have no excuse for.

But speaking of technological incompetence, what do you get when you cross William Gibson, Bruce Springsteen and a fifteen year old script kiddie? Some form of heinous, ill-formed, leeching invertebrate who is but one example of the hoarde of “beta users” WordPress has managed to accumulate.

The upcoming version of WordPress is in beta at the moment and is in need of testing. Since nothing here is terribly important (I think we can all admit that, right?), I decided to make blogwaffe a testbed for WordPress as of the now passed alpha phase of the development. WordPress is an extremely open community; I didn’t have to sign up for the privilege (if you want to consider it as such) of doing this, I just downloaded the software and had at it. And I’ve kept having at it all the way through alpha and into beta in the here and now.

Read more…



Filed under: blogging,dr. language person,neat!,news @ 22:31

Amaze your friends! Be the first on your Block! Now Posable!!

Blogwafffe is proud to introduce a hot, new and huge catchy hook: ‘Ask Dr. Language Person‘.

With a monicker shamelessly ripped from Dave Barry, a real live professional linguist will be receiving any linguistic or otherwise language oriented questions posted at sprachwaffe. So ask away. Keep them clean, though; it is my dad.

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