

truly festive

.wow. .three entries in one day. .a first. .madereservations for 15 at tangier near beverly hills in honor of ace’s birthday. .six people (ace, ariele, heather, jeff, bert and I) showed up. .the other nine missed out onsome good drinks, good food, and good times (though the service was pretty slow). .they will regret their respective decisions for the rest of their lives..after getting back to p-diddy, i met up with greg, heidi, paul.za, shannon, alexa, jane, will, roger, kevin,joe, peter, and eric at lucky baldwin’s to celebrate theirbelgian beer festival. .no one wanted to come with me. .a decision they will all regret for the rest of their lives. .drank some pretty interesting beers..roger was by far the best at describing the experience each beer brought. .his best was “it’s like all the little yeasts jump around on your tounge and thenproceed to march down your throat”. .or something similar.

a new addition

.went to cost plus with jeff and bought a papasan (alongwith 60 drink parasols). .put it right by the window – damn good for reading. .air quality today sucks. .makes me tired. .couldn’t even see themountains this afternoon. .it’s cleared up a bit by now (4:45pmish), but it’s sort of a stagnant miasma here in my office. .hopefully it will clear outovernight.

another hero adrift

.went to borders (i highly recommend the spinach and feta stuffed pretzels – thanks heidi) and ended up having a very nice conversation with seth. .he toois a bit up in the air about advisors. .he’s from the cns option and at the moment thinks he wants to work for someone in aph. .he’s told cns that he doesn’tplan on sticking around with them, and if he can’t get into aph full time, he’ll face what consequences that brings. .he had a very good attitude about thesituation, saying he was “beyond the freaking out stage” and into the “well i either get screwed or i don’t” stage. .nice to know there are others who feel abit out of place also.

Ace’s Birthday at Tangier

Filed under: photos @ 20:36

Spongebob Square Pants


no action

.ah valentine’s day. .a day to sit back and do nothing while everyone you know tries to think of something to do to impress their significant other. .it’smuch better to think of it that way than to remind yourself that the reason you’re sitting around doing nothing watching others enjoy themselves is that youhave no significant other. .ariele cooked jeff, bert, heather and i an antivalentine’s dinner. .fantastic. .jeff brought up the edible panties again, but only because i was keeping track. .watched “from dusk ’til dawn”and “the hudsucker proxy”. .decided to marry greg in san fransisco.

More Random Whatnots

Filed under: photos @ 20:49

Scattered Pebbles kicked from the shoes of wanderers



Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:46

.seriously, people, it’s the best idea ever. .states should not be in the marriage granting business. .we should call it a “civil union” foreveryone, not just homosexuals. .”marriage” should be left to the churches and should not be afforded any legal status at all. ?you want to havejoint custody over your children? .get a civil union. ?you want to be joined under the eyes of whatever god you believe in? .get married. ?you want both?.get both. .just don’t tell me gay people have fewer rights.

solved (part 2)

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:45

.why, yes, i do have a solution to the population problem in china as well: promote homosexuality.



.i’m going to start keeping track of the intervals bewteen edible panty conversations. .first instance in the study: evening of 2/12/04. .greg posits a gaussian around valentine’s day.

captions for pictures

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 21:48

.a caption engine has come. .tell me if it doesn’t work on your browser.

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