

SLR #7 Webring

Filed under: a group of folks,blogging,neat!,news @ 13:46

apparent horizonsNEW!

A fully armed and operational zulu word for general relativistic double entendre.

#1 Fan:
Marc Broussard


Continental Airlines can shove it

Filed under: neat!,useless @ 15:08

Just got this account statement.

OnePass Number: XXXXXXXX
Current Balance: 6,106
Current Elite Status: Non-Elite


Holy Shit! — 17:27

sprachwaffe updated!

Heidi needs her own site — 13:16

But it’s disturbing enough for a quick link, anyway: Chicken Combine anyone?


Apparently a good (but nascent) idea

Filed under: a group of folks,academe,neat!,news @ 18:32

I gave a talk at group meeting yesterday, and it went reasonably well; I was able to answer not one but two Sergey questions, and Preskill seemed to think the question Andrew and I are asking is fairly interesting. It’s nothing monumental, but there may be a clever answer to it nonetheless.

In other news, it seems likely (it used to seem unlikely) that I’m being funded by IQI over the summer. Not a sure thing, though.


TKO — 00:43

Knock em dead Dixie.


Ernie’s Schedule

Filed under: news @ 18:01

I’m trying to compile a time schedule for Ernie’s daily tour through campus.

9am – 10am: Lauritsen?
11:30am – 1pm: Facilities
1pm – 2pm: K Spalding
2pm – 2:30: Noyes

But I don’t know if this is right. Please add and correct.

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