

no action

.ah valentine’s day. .a day to sit back and do nothing while everyone you know tries to think of something to do to impress their significant other. .it’smuch better to think of it that way than to remind yourself that the reason you’re sitting around doing nothing watching others enjoy themselves is that youhave no significant other. .ariele cooked jeff, bert, heather and i an antivalentine’s dinner. .fantastic. .jeff brought up the edible panties again, but only because i was keeping track. .watched “from dusk ’til dawn”and “the hudsucker proxy”. .decided to marry greg in san fransisco.



Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:46

.seriously, people, it’s the best idea ever. .states should not be in the marriage granting business. .we should call it a “civil union” foreveryone, not just homosexuals. .”marriage” should be left to the churches and should not be afforded any legal status at all. ?you want to havejoint custody over your children? .get a civil union. ?you want to be joined under the eyes of whatever god you believe in? .get married. ?you want both?.get both. .just don’t tell me gay people have fewer rights.

solved (part 2)

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:45

.why, yes, i do have a solution to the population problem in china as well: promote homosexuality.



.i’m going to start keeping track of the intervals bewteen edible panty conversations. .first instance in the study: evening of 2/12/04. .greg posits a gaussian around valentine’s day.

captions for pictures

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 21:48

.a caption engine has come. .tell me if it doesn’t work on your browser.


photo engine

.haskell: finally got the photo situationall straightened out (thanks ariele). .let me know what you think. .a caption engine is coming, but nobody hold their breath. (ps – try to count how many thumbs you can see over the lens).

neutrinos rock

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 20:49

.neutrinos have mass because of off diagonal terms in the total hamiltonian. .freaking amazing. .electron, muon andtau neutrinos are eigenstates of the weak interaction, but not of the total hamiltonian. .thus, the three states are coupled and oscillate in time between oneanother. .equivalently, you can write eigenstates of the total hamiltionian which are mixed states of the electron, muon and tau neutrinos. .these “mixed”states (in some sense more “pure” than their “constituents”), have well defined mass. .so the original neutrinos must too. .it’s just hard to see since we’reused to looking at things in the electron, muon and taun neutrino basis instead of the “mixed” one (plus defining mass requires arguing some semantics). !mixingimplies mass! .now someone just needs to find how much.


the joy of seuss

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:50

.one fish, two fish, red fish, woman-on-top fish.


romance in the evening

.took the stat-mech midterm today. .not too bad, though decided i no longer knew fifth grade math and so couldn’t invert a few simple little sums offractions. .wahoo’s fish taco for dinner – got the bonzai burrito (wet with green salsa). .pretty tasty, though must admit i felt a little off gastronomically afterwards, and i’d much rather blame the burrito than the damn good slice of coconut cream pie i had at pie n’ burger. .drive-by-ganked a nice camellia from the neighbors. .gave it to ted. .katie’s jealous.


OTP at night

.took the two pieces of my car and reconstituted them intoone at the saturn dealer. .shopping with ariele. .didn’t find a rug, but reinspired my desire for a papasan. .got mydrink on in the evening with greg, heidi, jeff, ariele, paul.za, brenda and peter at xiomara – a chichi latin american place in old town. .drank a couple mojitos and ordered an isla flotante – a hardcaramel covered meringue floating in sugary goo. .tasty, but a bit over the top. .brenda mentioned one robbiewilliams and how he was some sort of mega-star everywhere outside of america. .she claimed that americans obviously had no ears and couldn’t judge quality. .i said tina turner is also huge in non-america, and for good reason: we didn’t want her; she sucks (though, note). .my argument, though seemingly flawless, didn’t go overwell. .after paying the (hefty) bill, we (now including michelle and suvir) headed over to lucky baldwin’s (a pub in old town a bit more my style). ?everpurchased a three liter bottle of ale for 75 dollars? .neither have i, but we did get one for $38 after they messed up our order and brought us the big bottleinstead of the “small” 1.5 liter. .chimay blue. .rock on lucky b’s. .heidi got, as we say in the northern.id vernacular,plizastered. .good times all around.

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