

end of term bliss

.right then. .almost two weeks (really i should say more than two weeks since i’m actually writing this on the 22nd). .all done as of today. .with my own school work that is. .i’ve turned in the quantum and the qc, and done the stat mech. .feels good. .to celebrate, i went out on the town with jeff’s mom and brother (judy.tx and jeremy.tx). .dinner at chandra and margaritas at amigo’s. .jeff’s mom is pretty awesome and his brother plays a mean ax. .afterwards, jeff dropped his mom off at the hotel and ace, jeremy, ariele, bert, jeff and i went to jeff’s place and drank homebrew green beer in honor of st. patty’s. .and by a”homebrew”, i mean coors light and green food coloring. .no, i did not play balls.


what are you wearing?

.i thought i was having a good day knowing the rest of the term’s lectures for quantum computation got cancelled. .then i found out the same happened to heidi’s only final. .not so cool by comparison. .i also payed more than one thousand dollars in bills today. .not “this month”, but “today”. .it’s a little sobering to think of how often people must get into accidents in .ca to make car insurance so expensive. .on a lighter note, i’ve decided that i might be able to get a job as a sex operator. .it’d take a little work on the voice and probably a little desensitization, but i could maybe pull it off. .and i’m still waiting to be discovered by some studio exec and hired as the trailer voice. .that’s been my dream job since high school. .in other news, the left-handed mouse thing is a little awkward (…what an awkward looking word “awkward” is…), but i’m sticking to it.


new boxers

.you’ll never guess what i did today. .outlet shopping with ariele, heidi, michelle, heather, katie and jeff. .purchased three pairs of boxers, two bottles of delirium nocturnum, a very thick and bready slice of pizza, and a cinnamon coated soft pretzel. .could have gotten all ofthose things nearer by, but it was actually a fun way to spend the day in and out of the sun and making fun of all the high school kids.


more gayness

.went to see club dread with ace and jeff. .pretty funny, but definately couldn’t hold a candle to super troopers. .graded chem 1 hws afterwards. !oh! .i was amazed at peter jennings’ person of the week today. .rep. marilyn musgrave, r-co, for sponsoring the proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage. .the editiorial staff at abc world news tonight claims the representative’s name “will always be associated with the possibility ofrevolutionary change”. .taking away a demographic’s right in order to preserve your personal vision of the status quo sounds more reactionary than revolutionary to me. ?but who am i? .there’s always next friday.


random bits

.quadrupole moment. .watched royal tenebaums with greg, heidi and heather. .that movie rocks my world. .got invited to orkut by allen. .”welcome michael, you are connected to 1 people though 0 friends”. .good times. ?anyone want to join the bandwagon?


a week’s worth of “interesting” tidbits

.so i wrote three whole entries for one day andburned out. .left my readers in the lurch. .both of them. .not to say nothing happened, because plenty sure did; i was just too lazy to do anything about it. .let’s see. .i suppose the main theme of last week was homework – a crap load of it to be precise (a “crap load” hs recently been defined by the SI). .monday, homework. .tuesday, ted brought up his friend matt and they, katie, jeff, greg, heidi and i went toburger continental, and the hearty among us (you know who you are/aren’t) whooped it up at lucky’s afterward..wednesday, homework. .thursday, i talked to professor wang about his research. .he’s doing somecool stuff, and even needs more students. .unfortunately, he has no funding. .but he pointed me toward a couple people in aph. .more on that when there’smore to report. .he also encouraged me to go to the biochemistry seminar that afternoon about icosahedral symmetry in viral capsids. .learned also that cowpea chlorotic mottle virus is trigendered. .its genome is split into four pieces; piece one fits into one capsid, piece two fits into another identical capsid, and pieces three and four fit into the third identical capsid. .so all three types need to attack a cell in order for it to reproduce. ?how hot is that? .friday, i graded and did nothing else as everyone was gone doing something more fun. .saturday was the big day. .skiing at mount baldy. .it was the first time paul.za, suvir and bert had been skiing, michelle had been once, and ace and i had beena few times. .ariele (bless her), jeff, and heather came alongfor the ride and brought us food. .michelle had an affair with andre the polish ski instructor, but everyone else had a good time. .saturday night was the gscmardi gras party. .potent drinks, freaky dancin’, and bead necklaces; no need to say more. .btw: div boxes don’t seem to be necessary.


truly festive

.wow. .three entries in one day. .a first. .madereservations for 15 at tangier near beverly hills in honor of ace’s birthday. .six people (ace, ariele, heather, jeff, bert and I) showed up. .the other nine missed out onsome good drinks, good food, and good times (though the service was pretty slow). .they will regret their respective decisions for the rest of their lives..after getting back to p-diddy, i met up with greg, heidi, paul.za, shannon, alexa, jane, will, roger, kevin,joe, peter, and eric at lucky baldwin’s to celebrate theirbelgian beer festival. .no one wanted to come with me. .a decision they will all regret for the rest of their lives. .drank some pretty interesting beers..roger was by far the best at describing the experience each beer brought. .his best was “it’s like all the little yeasts jump around on your tounge and thenproceed to march down your throat”. .or something similar.

a new addition

.went to cost plus with jeff and bought a papasan (alongwith 60 drink parasols). .put it right by the window – damn good for reading. .air quality today sucks. .makes me tired. .couldn’t even see themountains this afternoon. .it’s cleared up a bit by now (4:45pmish), but it’s sort of a stagnant miasma here in my office. .hopefully it will clear outovernight.

another hero adrift

.went to borders (i highly recommend the spinach and feta stuffed pretzels – thanks heidi) and ended up having a very nice conversation with seth. .he toois a bit up in the air about advisors. .he’s from the cns option and at the moment thinks he wants to work for someone in aph. .he’s told cns that he doesn’tplan on sticking around with them, and if he can’t get into aph full time, he’ll face what consequences that brings. .he had a very good attitude about thesituation, saying he was “beyond the freaking out stage” and into the “well i either get screwed or i don’t” stage. .nice to know there are others who feel abit out of place also.


no action

.ah valentine’s day. .a day to sit back and do nothing while everyone you know tries to think of something to do to impress their significant other. .it’smuch better to think of it that way than to remind yourself that the reason you’re sitting around doing nothing watching others enjoy themselves is that youhave no significant other. .ariele cooked jeff, bert, heather and i an antivalentine’s dinner. .fantastic. .jeff brought up the edible panties again, but only because i was keeping track. .watched “from dusk ’til dawn”and “the hudsucker proxy”. .decided to marry greg in san fransisco.

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