

How much is that WordPress App in the Window?

Filed under: wordpress @ 14:11

It’s free!

I saw this in the Pasadena, CA Apple Store back in January. That’s how fast I am at blogging.

WordPress iPhone App in Pasadena Apple Store

Get the WordPress iPhone App.


The WordPress Plugin you don’t want to install — 18:55

Next of Kin by Tzafrir Rehan. Creepy. Funny. Interesting.


New WordPress and bbPress — 17:08

WordPress 2.0.5 Ronan and bbPress 0.73 Not as cute as Ronan have just been released.


WordPress plugin: No Self Pings

Filed under: wordpress @ 22:51

Some people really like that WordPress sends pings from your own site to your own site when you write posts; it lets them easily leave a trail of related posts.

Some people do not like this behavior; it clutters up their comments.

So here’s a plugin to disable self pinging. I couldn’t find any prior art, but if you know of any other plugins that do this, please let me know.

Download the plugin, put it in your WordPress plugins directory, activate it via your WordPress admin panel, and you’re set. No configuration necessary.



Filed under: blogging,neat!,wordpress @ 11:05

I’m in San Francisco at the moment here at the WordCamp convention. So far I’ve learned how to “write a compelling blog” (please, have you been to blogwaffe before?).

More to the point, I finally got to meet Podz and Matt.

For all the readers at home, you can check out the .

Update 08.07.2006:

After lunch I went to talks about WordPress MU, server optimization and a really good one on microformats. I also met Ryan, Mark, Andy, and Donncha.

The day was made all the sweeter by the bumping afterparty. By the way, Ryan, your penalty for not attending the postWordCamp bash is to recommend to me a favorite beer of yours.


Nope – nothing exciting — 13:34

I just upgraded blogwaffe, sprachwaffe and email for pics to WordPress 1.5.2. The new version fixes some bugs and patches some security holes.


Just One Category

Filed under: wordpress @ 15:24

This plugin will cause WordPress to display on a category archive page only those posts which are direct members of that category, i.e. this plugin will exclude from that category page all posts which belong to any of that category’s subcategories but do not belong to the category itself.

This plugin requires at least WordPress version 2.3 or higher, and I have tested it with the still-in-development WordPress version 2.8. If you haven’t already, upgrade to the latest WordPress.


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload it to your wp-content/plugins/ directory (i.e. wp-content/plugins/just_one_cat.php).
  3. Make sure the file has sufficient File Permissions to be read by your web server (you probably don’t have to worry about this step).
  4. Activate the plugin called “Just One Category” from your Administration Panel’s Plugin Manager.

That should be it. No configuration is necessary.

Update: This plugin is now hosted on the wp-plugins.org repository. The download link above has been changed to reflect that.


WordPress Draft Notifier plugin

Filed under: wordpress @ 20:06

This plugin will send an email notification to the blog’s administrator when a draft is written or edited by a user that cannot publish posts (these users are called “Contributors“). You may find such notification useful since these posts must be subsequently approved (published) by a user who can publish other people’s posts.

NOTE: Notification is sent to the email address defined in the Administration Panels: Options->General / Email address. This is not, in general, the same address as that specified for the Admin user account.


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload it to your wp-content/plugins/ directory (i.e. wp-content/plugins/draft-notifier.php).
  3. Make sure the file has sufficient File Permissions to be read by your web server (you probably don’t have to worry about this step).
  4. Activate the plugin called “Draft Notifier” from your Administration Panel’s Plugin Manager.

That should be it. No configuration is necessary.

UPDATE: This plugin is now hosted on http://wp-plugins.org and is called “Draft Notifier“.

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