
In Brief Category

These tidbits are short enough that they'd waste space if they were displayed as "real" posts, but are too important not to include. They're typically just links to some "interesting" somethign.


Holy Shit! — 17:27

sprachwaffe updated!

Heidi needs her own site — 13:16

But it’s disturbing enough for a quick link, anyway: Chicken Combine anyone?


TKO — 00:43

Knock em dead Dixie.


A gift from beyond the seas — 17:36

xaosseed is too kind. Support your local female geek.


Billy Strayhorn — 20:25

None of the people that actually read this site will care, but WordPress 1.5 “Strayhorn” is out. Booyah.


This time I’m right — 02:18

Ok. Now I really am in the core. Check it out.


Tweaked the site — 03:12

Poked at some stuff on the site to get it more up to date with the latest version of WordPress. Let me know if something goes wrong.


Thou shalt read sprachwaffe — 18:03

A new question from Dixie and a new response from DrLP.


Paul.za is trying to make me feel guilty — 23:59

Check it out: http://langabi.name.


On DrLP’s Wish List — 19:53

I doubt it’s computationally intractable, but the Dictionary Inversion Problem certainly requires a few TB worth of input: sprachwaffe.

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