


Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 23:05

.ch1 grading. .i had a fairly straightforward problem, so it wasn’t too bad – even slightly hungover. .and yes, one can make one’s excrement change color by drinking a sufficient amount of colored beer.


flame on

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 23:10

.recess, candy and anal sex. .and the chimay blow torch.

end of term bliss

.right then. .almost two weeks (really i should say more than two weeks since i’m actually writing this on the 22nd). .all done as of today. .with my own school work that is. .i’ve turned in the quantum and the qc, and done the stat mech. .feels good. .to celebrate, i went out on the town with jeff’s mom and brother (judy.tx and jeremy.tx). .dinner at chandra and margaritas at amigo’s. .jeff’s mom is pretty awesome and his brother plays a mean ax. .afterwards, jeff dropped his mom off at the hotel and ace, jeremy, ariele, bert, jeff and i went to jeff’s place and drank homebrew green beer in honor of st. patty’s. .and by a”homebrew”, i mean coors light and green food coloring. .no, i did not play balls.

Green Beer

Filed under: .in need of a life.,photos @ 20:55

And no, that’s a broken bottle (from Jeff)


what are you wearing?

.i thought i was having a good day knowing the rest of the term’s lectures for quantum computation got cancelled. .then i found out the same happened to heidi’s only final. .not so cool by comparison. .i also payed more than one thousand dollars in bills today. .not “this month”, but “today”. .it’s a little sobering to think of how often people must get into accidents in .ca to make car insurance so expensive. .on a lighter note, i’ve decided that i might be able to get a job as a sex operator. .it’d take a little work on the voice and probably a little desensitization, but i could maybe pull it off. .and i’m still waiting to be discovered by some studio exec and hired as the trailer voice. .that’s been my dream job since high school. .in other news, the left-handed mouse thing is a little awkward (…what an awkward looking word “awkward” is…), but i’m sticking to it.

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