

42.39561, -71.13051

Filed under: in brief,random @ 07:38

Brilliance on many levels.


    Uber 09.23.2007 @ 15:18

    Did you go?

    There are photos from the meetup on flickr

    MDA 09.23.2007 @ 18:18

    Sadly, no. Looks like a good time, though.

    Lindsey 09.26.2007 @ 23:33

    I need help! I found your bio on the wordpess site, and I have a blog that disappeared into thin air. I have a year’s worth of stuff that I can;t find. Please help me. I am desperate! If you aren’t the correct person, please Email me a name and number of who to contact. Please…I am sick about this as I have documented the first year of my first baby. Thank you for anything you might do -Lindsey

    MDA 09.27.2007 @ 10:24

    If your blog is hosted through WordPress.com, you should contact their support system: http://wordpress.com/contact-support/

    If you are not hosted at WordPress.com, you should contact your host and/or try the WordPress.ORG forums: http://wordpress.org/support/

    Jill 11.22.2007 @ 16:56

    Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys have a great one. We wish we could be there, and here at the same time!

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