

American Women’s Conference

Filed under: useless @ 17:27

I received in the mail today two (2) complimentary VIP tickets to the American Women’s Conference (each a sixty-nine dollars ($69) value!) to be held in Pasadena on October fifth (5th). There, attendees will learn how to:

  1. Use the seven (7) keys to build lasting relationships at home and on the job.
  2. Apply the twenty-one (21) secrets of self-discipline to always look and feel young.
  3. Be recognized and rewarded for their efforts.
  4. Buy Real Estate for thirty-one to forty-eight percent (38%-48%) below market value.
  5. Rapidly expand their circle of influence.
  6. Develop opportunities for networking.
  7. Use the top money-making secrets millionaires are using.
  8. Improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
  9. Use the essential principles of highly successful women.

Additionally, those attending the conference will see featured three (3) of “the Nation’s Greatest Celebrities” in person.

I won’t be attending, but if someone else wants to (I imagine the ratio will be good), let me know and I’ll give you my tickets. Hurry, though, seating is limited.

1 Comment

    Uber 09.29.2005 @ 07:09

    What demographic do you fit for them?
    Is this because you are a Hollaback Girl?

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