


Filed under: a group of folks,music,neat! @ 18:04

My dad went to a Death Cab for Cutie concert last night. Calling it a “cultural experience”, he says the (almost) last concert he went to was a Simon and Garfunkel in Chicago. And I’m sure he’s not talking about a reunion tour. Apparently he was a few standard deviations away from the mean age, but he saw lots of people there he knows (contemporaries of Allen’s or mine, people he knows from church, additional degrees of separation, etc.).

The sold out concert was, in his terms, “loud and energetic” and “not bad at all”. He certainly seems to have enjoyed himself.

I’m not sure I could ever have dragged either of my parents to a similar concert while I was in high school. Though, to be fair, I doubt I would have wanted to. But he’s good friends with a couple kids from church (juniors or seniors by now – damn), and they convinced him to go (without their parents of course).

Glad he had fun. Now if only he and Mom will go see the movies I tell them to.


    Ed 11.23.2004 @ 16:51

    I was somewhat surprised to see your father at Death Cab last week. Er, no, I guess it was two weeks ago, now. But I’m glad he enjoyed it. Oh, and, hey, neat blog.

    MDA 12.02.2004 @ 12:46

    Thanks. I imagine it was a bit of a shock. I’m sure he was pleased to see people he knew!

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