

weirdo alert

Filed under: .in need of a life. @ 22:50

.i’ve finally posted a few new pictures. .mostly from the city hall tour, but some much older.

.i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. .everyone on this campus is just a teensy bit odd in some way. .or rather, at least a teensy bit. .on my way over to steele, i ran into an early fifties guy who told me not to walk on the grass, that it was for the dogs. .he himself was standing in the middle of the grass. .by ockham’s razor, he must, therefore, have at one point walked on the grass also. .so i assumed he was joking. .i faked laughed and asked him how he was. .he said he was fine and asked me where i was from.

“idaho”, i said, “and yourself”. “hm… yes… i’m going to montana in a while”, he says avoidingly. .”ah – right next door”, blitheringly. .”?what do you do here anyway?”, he asks (note: it seems even noncaltexen can’t speak in notscience when they’re on campus). .”aah – i’m a chemistry grad student”. .”hmm”, he intones knowingly, “with the test tubes and the beakers”. .”no – i’m more theoretical – i’m bad at experiment”. .”!bullshit!”, the exclamation, “don’t sell yourself short”. .”nono – it’s true – i really am bad at experiment”. .*grumble grumble grumble*. .he then tells his dog to attack me, but she seems more interested in being in frolick state than rampage. .he tells me all about his dog (she’s a thousand year old from armenia – i can only assume he means the breed), and i leave before he goes off about the stock market, or the bright kids at caltech in a bleak world, or how i never actually explained quantum information to a random guy on the grass whose knowledge of physics and mathematics is not only unknown, but suspect.

?was this guy for real? .i came away almost feeling like he was a dean of so and so trying to figure out if the students here were worth it. .but he was definately just some random (slightly neurotic) dude from the area who may or may not have been joking about the grass. .but the encounter was not without its rewards. .now i have proof that the oddity of those at caltech is not a matter of the type of people the institure attracts, but rather the aberration is actually caused by the campus itself; everyone who sets foot on campus is instantly oddified. .i bet both the oddities and the incapability of speaking in notscience have a common source. .more details as they are unearthed.

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