

gentlemen, we can rebuild him

?ever hear of a burger restaurant (and i mean a restaraunt – not a fast food chain) selling a hearty burger, a heap of fries and a bottomless beverage for 1.99? .neither had i till i found burger continental right here in pasadena (where decent food is never cheap). .offer only valid on mondays and tuesdays. .yesterday was definately a tuesday; i even remembered to order “no sauce” (think [mayonaisse+red]**sunlight). .not that it mattered much, because i never even made it inside the restaurant. .i’d like to say i was waylaid by a preposterously good looking female on the way downtown and was “forced” into performing various carnal acts in public, but unfortunately she swore me to secrecy. .actually, i went up to the girls’ place (see :did: 2003) and found it occupied only by anna (a girl, but in the wrong apartment) and jeff (not a girl). .thinking the situation a bit odd, i look over at jeff, only to see him in clear agony. .thinking his water might have broken, i turn to anna to see what was up, and she is explaining to some random person (whom she probably did not know) over the phone that jeff has dislocated his right kneecap playing im basketball against a team that went 0-7 last year and needs to get to the emergency room. .i turn back to jeff, and, inbetween primal gutterances (how’s that for portmanteau), he nods in confirmation. .katie (a girl, and of the correct apartment) proceeds to rush into the (her) domicile with jeff‘s wallet and cellphone in hand. .jeff calls his folks in katy.tx, and a host of new people arrive (including, but not limited to, ariele, bert, greg, and paul.za) intending to have a pleasant evening meal at burger continental. .many of them do. .katie, ariele and i haul jeff‘s ass down to huntington where he is happily received by a bunch of security guards with a weelchair. .we make a collective effort of filling out his paperwork inbetween seeing the r.n., x-ray tech, dr, drug lady, and medical fashion specialist. .ace shows up, and the girls go get something to eat (and drink as it turns out), leaving ace and me to make cracks about jeff’s lower gi. .jeff comes out of the place with a knee immobilizer and an appointment for a followup with an orthopedics guy in a couple days. .nothing broken, but no word yet on any tearing (rhymes with “airing” as in ‘i’ll be ~ you a new one for ganking the last reese’s peanut butter cup peanut butter cookie’). .hoping for the best.

1 Comment

    Compression Pumps 08.06.2012 @ 09:26

    Interesting post/story. Great to see how everything went together and how the story worked out in the end. We offer great compression pumps in case of emergencies similar to these.

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