Day 0: The Hirsute
2009-11-26T13:16$ cd /head/hair
2009-11-26T13:16$ du -ch . | grep total
11.34g total
2009-11-26T13:16$ svnadmin create /Repositories/hairectomy
2009-11-26T13:17$ svn import . file:///Repositories/hairectomy -m "init: the hirsute"
Adding mustache
Adding beard
Adding hair
Committed revision 1.
2009-11-26T13:17$ ls -h

Day 1: The Chu Manfu
2009-11-27T13:02$ svn del 'Fu Manchu'
D Fu Manchu
2009-11-27T13:02$ du -ch . | grep total
10.49g total
2009-11-27T13:03$ svn ci -m "Day 1: The Chu Manfu"
Deleting Fu Manchu
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2.
2009-11-27T13:03$ ls -h

Spoonerism denotes inversion of implied pattern. Pass it on.
Geile bilder^^
weiter so.. :-P
sehst geil aus..^^
Damn! Thats pretty cool lookin
Great pics but u have to shave and cut hairs …
Wirklich coole Bilder, gibt es da bald eine Fortsetzung? ;-)
hey you look like the bums I give change to on the freeway