

Death Cab and Spoon at the Greek

Filed under: a group of folks,music @ 10:32

Depending on whether or not someone else grabs it first, I may have an extra ticket for the Death Can for Cutie and Spoon concert tonight at the Greek Theatre.

Get in touch with… Greg or Ellen or Paul.za if you want it (or me by phone); I’m at the beach today.


    gv 08.13.2006 @ 11:08

    Heh. “Death Can”. It sounds funny as Death Can for Cutie, but I guess Death Cab for Cutie isn’t really a very sensical name either.

    jjk 08.13.2006 @ 11:33

    “Death Can for Cutie”…I love it.

    “Where is Cutie?”
    “Oh, I think she’s poppin’ a squat on the death can.”

    MDA 08.17.2006 @ 13:53

    This inspires me to get a band together and call it “Death Came for Cutie”, double entendre and all.

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