

Cal Poly, Shame on You. Don’t cheat the People!

Filed under: slice,useless @ 16:49

That’s the war cry I heard walking down Wilson Ave next to Caltech this morning.

A man was shouting these words at Broad over and over again with an odd accent. I believed it to be Middle Eastern.

cal polY
SHAME on you
the PEOple

I have tried to capture the rhythm of his chant by denoting the accented syllables with capital letters.

I walked by him, not really catching the words he was saying, and ran into Will. Will told me what the lone protestor was yelling and asked, “Do you think it’d be appropriate to tell him this is Caltech?” I smiled and said, “sure”. We walked over to him and he and Will exchanged the following words.

Will: Excuse me?
Protestor: Yes? (with polite anticipation)
Will: This is Caltech, not Cal Poly
Protester: Thanks! Cal Poly has a better rhyme (very kindly and thankfully, and with no trace whatsoever of any accent)

We walked away and exchanged amusement. Right before we parted ways, we heard the guy start to mix it up: “Caltech, shame on you. Don’t cheat the people! Caltech poly, shame on you. Don’t cheat the people!” and so on.

I have no idea what issue the guy was airing. It was just a great way to start the day hearing some dude shouting at Broad caring more about how his chant sounded than to whom he was actually directing it.


    Adam 06.16.2006 @ 21:31


    Bonnie 06.17.2006 @ 13:15

    I asked Bryan (a cal poly alum) what might be the issue and he had no idea. So ridiculous!

    jason 08.09.2006 @ 16:31

    For the love of all that is, stop bloging, your cluttering search engines with incorrect and useless stuff. At least start using a robot.txt or correct metatags so that your blog isn’t causing pulling ranks in engines on topics that are no even remotly related to your postings other than your idle chit chat on a topic.

    HAA 08.09.2006 @ 16:35

    Now, what I want to know is what Jason could possibly have been googling for that would bring up this blog entry as a result.

    MDA 08.09.2006 @ 17:07

    I can tell you exactly what jason was searching for: spamdies. This query took him to a relevant blogwaffe post. Perhaps he’s the spamdies that I quote there as a representative ignorant (at best) digger. He then seems to have picked an arbitary post (this one, perhaps to “cover his trail”) on which to let loose his particular breed of poor grammar and nonsense.

    (For the sake of completeness, Jason seems to have simply selected the last post on the front page. It’s no longer the last post, not because I’ve added new content, but because this post was erroneously marked as “Private” and so was not showing up.)

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