

Monday at the Price is Right

Filed under: a group of folks,neat!,useless @ 12:12

The short of it is: if you have tickets for the 1:15pm taping of the Price is Right on a Monday, get there before 5:30 or you probably won’t get in (see the table at the bottom of the post).

On to the long of it.

In town visiting Michelle a week and a half ago was her good friend Laura whose greatest desire while in LA was to see Bob Barker at a taping of The Price is Right. Since Laura was just in town for the weekend, going to the studio on Monday was our only option. Unfortunately, Monday is the busiest day there for two reasons: all the out of towners just in LA for the weekend have to go on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday), and there are two tapings on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday). It was going to be a long day.

The previous week, Michelle had gone to the CBS studio to pick up tickets for the 1:15pm taping on February 5th. Apparently there was no line (though there was also no one at the booth for some time), and she, as a ticket picker-uper, was allowed to park in the studio lot for free.

Monday Morning (with deserved capitalization) Greg and I awoke around 4:00am and were picked up by Michelle and Laura at 4:30 here in Pasadena. Without traffic, we made it to the studio, where there was already a sizable line, at about 5:10am. Laura and Greg got us a spot in line while Michelle and I drove around the block to The Grove‘s parking lot (a mall lot that cost us $11 with validation).

We patronized the unenthusiastic coffee/bagel shop across from the studio (location is everything) and waited in line until, at around 6:00am, we were given tickets that held our place in line. I was number 131. At that point we were allowed to leave as long as we returned by 8:00am, so we picked up the car (the lot wasn’t yet taking money that early in the morning, so we decided to move the car while we could and save a few bucks) and drove to a nearby IHOP. We parked back at the grove and went back to the studio to wait for our priority numbers, which we got at about 8:30am. I was number 98; apparently about a third of the people in front of us were there for the later, second taping.

At 9:00am they called us back into formation and started droning on about rules (no disparaging remarks about the prizes, please), taxes (you have to pay them), the line we were sitting in (never leave it or you’re not getting into the taping), and a handful of other things that were repeated ad nauseum. Eventually, we were issued our name tags (Price is Right name tags!) and seating numbers (our fourth non-ticket). I was number 99; it’s unclear why we four were all bumped up a number.

At some point (cell phones and cameras are not allowed on the studio, so I wasn’t able to keep good track of time), they started calling a dozen people from the line up at a time to be “interviewed”. Contestants on the Price is Right are not drawn randomly. They are selected from the crowd ahead of time during this interview process. You only have a few seconds to make your mark, so be creative. We finally got interviewed at around 11:30. We then got herded into… another line! and sat down to play a few hands of UNO with our neighbors.

And then the moment arrived. We finally got into the studio a bit before 1:00pm and got seats. The place was tiny. Watching the show on TV, you get the sense that there are at least a thousand people in the audience and that “coming on down” is at least a 50 yard dash. As it turns out, there’s only about two hundred and fifty people at the taping, and most everyone is within twenty feet of the stage. The display doors (which look massive on TV) are eat-me tiny and the stage itself is about the size of a foosball table. When we first came in, I remarked that Bob Barker must be a midget. Apparently, the TV industry is just plain good at clever photography.

After being prepped by the show’s announcer, the actual taping flew by; everything was extremely fast paced: “Come on down”, bidding, win, play whatever game, cut to commercial, repeat. During “commercial breaks”, Bob would talk to the crowd and take questions. This was just about the only time we actually heard his voice. The staff there get all the audience members to ooh and ahh and scream and shout advice (“higher!”, “$1300”, “the soup!”, “My spleen just exploded”, and so on) with such volume that very little of what’s going on on stage is discernible. I now have a lot of sympathy for the contestants who keep having to ask about the previous people’s bids.

Sadly, none of us was called down. Our dreams (“one dollar, Bob”) were not fulfilled. The guy behind us did get called though, so I bet we were on TV for a second or two (unfortunately, the show aired today and I was too lazy to give anyone advance warning). Despite our lack of luck, I’m glad to have gone. Price is Right, for good or for ill, is truly a piece of Americana, and it was neat to be involved.

Anyway, that’s the boring long of it. For a less mind numbing account, see Greg’s First Post! on the subject.

Below is a table of a person’s final seat number for the 1:15pm taping vs. that person’s arrival time. Somewhere not too far past seat number 150, the people all came from pre-booked large groups which are guaranteed admission (and so don’t have to wait in line).

Final Seat Number Arrival Time
1 11:00pm
10 12:30am
15 2:00am
30 2:45am
40 3:30am
65 4:00am
100 5:10am
150 5:50am


    David 05.27.2007 @ 11:48

    By the way – the best place for food is two blocks up Fairfax Avenue (across Beverly) — Cantor’s Deli – open 24 hours a day and it is fabulous.

    Dave 05.27.2007 @ 13:05

    Voltaire – just wondering if you could let the tech guys at golden-road.net know that I also have not received a e-mail verification after trying to establish a new account a couple of days ago. Greatly appreciated, Dave
    username is dlace93

    Anonymous 05.27.2007 @ 14:18

    Thanks Voltaire!!

    Voltaire 05.27.2007 @ 14:43

    I don’t know… I thought Cantor’s Deli was a bit pricey. I’d try the 24-hour diner just outside of the Farmer’s market instead.

    Oh, and Dave – I emailed the tech guy to look into your login problem – I’ll let you know if I get word on it.

    Michele 05.27.2007 @ 17:36

    Is anyone with Stand By tickets going to stand in line overnight? If you do, will they give you an Order or Arrival number? If they do, does that then put you in Stand By order? This is getting to be so confusing with the new “all e tickets are stand by” $8%@! they are now pulling.

    Janelle 05.27.2007 @ 18:16

    I’ll be there for the May 31 taping with friends. Anyone want to meet up and take turns in line Wednesday night?

    Amy 05.27.2007 @ 19:56

    We have stand-by tickets and are staying out all night. From what I understand, stand-by ticket holders are getting into the show. It is worth it to try!!

    Voltaire 05.27.2007 @ 20:36

    Dave – I just got an e-mail from Robert Searcy (The tech guy at Golden Road) and he says the account isn’t in the database. Perhaps you should try registering again.

    Michele 05.28.2007 @ 12:32

    I’ll be getting in line tomorrow afternoon after a long flight. Hope to see some of you out there:) This blog has been a tremendous help! Thanks and good luck to you all getting in to see Bob one last time!

    Dana 05.28.2007 @ 17:36

    I will see you tomorrow Michele. Looking forward to meeting you, and anyone else attending the 30th taping. =)

    Voltaire 05.28.2007 @ 20:10

    Line update from someone at the May 29th Taping:
    At 6 PM Monday night – the line is at over 300 people for the May 29th Taping. A report from the Bagel shop across the street from the line says that the line at 11 PM Sunday night was the same as the line at 4 PM Monday afternoon.

    Bob 05.29.2007 @ 05:38

    Two forms of ID are needed at the studio. Does anyone know what is acceptable for the second ID? Do both of them need a photo and be goverment issued?



    Bob 05.29.2007 @ 05:59

    Can anyone confirm this to be true? I got this in the link on post number 163.

    E-TICKET ALERT – UPDATED: If you printed out an E-ticket for any remaining taping of Price, CBS wishes to inform you that due to a computer error all E-tickets are now STANDBY TICKETS which will be honored on a first come-first serve basis, after regular (mailed) ticket holders are admitted, starting at 9:00am the day of taping. If you have questions call (323) 575-2458, Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm PST. It is reported that 300-500 regular tickets were issued for each remaining show, and the holders of those will be admitted first before any “standby” ticket holders are.

    Dave 05.29.2007 @ 06:02

    Desperate for tickets for June 5th. Anyone have two extra non-standby? I will be forever grateful. (trying to surprise my wife for our 15 year anniversary and will be driving in from Chicago area). Help! (and thanks) e-mail dlace93@verizon.net

    Brian 05.29.2007 @ 07:23

    I have an extra stand-by ticket for June 1, if anyone is interested.

    Also, if anyone has a real ticket for June 1, I would love to chat – b_man29@netzero.com

    Voltaire 05.29.2007 @ 07:46

    As I remember from the speech of rules and regulations that the pages read everyday before the taping of TPIR: “In order to be a contestant on The Price Is Right, you must have two forms of Identification, including a picture ID with your birthdate and proof of your social security card such as a social security card, a medical bill, etc. IF you don’t have proof of your social security card, DO NOT PANIC! You will have 30 days to provide proof of your social security card if you win a prize on the show, but you must at least have a picture ID with your birthdate.”

    And yes – all e-tickets obtained during May are all standby tickets. If you got an e-ticket BEFORE April for these tapings (they’ll check the reservation number) they aren’t a standby ticket, but if you got one AFTER that, it’s a standby ticket.

    Bob 05.29.2007 @ 09:01

    Thanks Voltaire

    Voltaire 05.29.2007 @ 09:50

    Just got an update from someone in the line at the May 29th taping – At 11 PM Monday – there were 325 people in line, and he was #110 in line with a REGULAR ticket for the 1:15 taping. Please note that if you have a REGULAR ticket – you skip ahead of all of the people with stand-by tickets – no matter when they got in line. So basically this means for the shows on June 4-6, if only 325 tickets were distributed (A source says about 300-400 tickets were distributed) – you’re guaranteed of getting in if you show up at 6 AM wihtout having to camp out because you’d get bumped ahead of everyone with a standby ticket. However, you MUST be dressed and ready to attend at 6 AM if you have a regular ticket.

    Note that all e-tickets obtained in the last few weeks (I think after April) are all standby tickets even if it doesn’t say it is a standby ticket. If your ticket says stand-by ticket, you will be admitted at 9 AM in the order that you arrived, as space allows.

    Starlit 05.29.2007 @ 10:04

    I have an eticket for tomorrows taping…we were going to camp out but are now wondering if we should (if the are really stand-by). We got the tickets from someone else who doesn’t remember when they were issued! I called CBS and they had no idea what I was talking about when I asked. I also looked online and couldn’t find any info about a “computer-glitch”…where are you guys finding this information and how reliable is it? We dont’ want to camp out with “stand-bys”!
    Thanks! :)

    Voltaire 05.29.2007 @ 10:14

    If you got an e-ticket, I would wager very heavily that it’s a standby ticket. If I were you, I’d get into line NOW and hope you get in as a stand-by.

    I don’t think they actually gave out many e-tickets that were regular tickets because I know there was a HUGE influx of online e-tickets the last week, and those are all being treated as standby tickets EVEN IF they don’t say standby on them.

    If you got the ticket from someone else – the person who got the e-ticket probably got an e-mail saying that their tickets are actually standby tickets. If they got the e-tickets sometime around March – I don’t think those are standby tickets. However, I wouldn’t take a chance that those tickets are regular tickets because so many e-tickets were given out so recently, that you wont know if you have regular tickets or standby tickets.

    Voltaire 05.29.2007 @ 10:17

    Actually – I just read something from the Price is Right boards at http://www.golden-road.net that says that all e-tickets are standby tickets. Anyone with a real ticket (A physical ticket without the words standby ticket on them) will be admitted first – then at 9 am as space allows (which I’m pretty sure there will be) the standby tickets will be admitted on a first-come first serve basis (those that camped out)

    Starlit 05.29.2007 @ 10:51

    Hmm…yeah all the chat boards are saying that they are “stand-by” but the people at CBS that we just called said that they do not know anything about a computer glitch! And the CBS website doesn’t have any information about it….just wondering if it is a hoax someone started to keep people from going! The lady at CBS said any e-ticket that does not say “stand-by” is a regular ticket. Not sure what is up! :)

    Voltaire 05.29.2007 @ 11:09

    Yeah – I wouldn’t take a chance on those being real tickets – if they’re going to blanket call all e-tickets standby tickets, I’d say you should get in line right now and try to get in as a stand-by. You shouldn’t be complaining that you didn’t get in because you didn’t know they were a standby ticket because CBS probably gave you at least notice of that beforehand.

    The person you talk to at CBS is a page, who doesn’t necessarily know about the ticketing process, especially since they’re changing the ticketing process for the last two weeks of shows that start taping today. Among the changes include requiring wristbands, and the designation of stand-by tickets, which haven’t been done before. This is also the time when they start checking the reservation… they can tell when the ticket was requested by the ticket # and the name on the reservation.

    I don’t think it’s a hoax to prevent people from going, because I know people are going to show up, claim their e-tickets don’t say standby on them and complain later on when they don’t get in. It’s because of CBS’ error, and to correct this, they should have sent the person who requested the ticket an e-mail saying the tickets you requested were actually standby. It would be unfair to those who requested physical tickets MONTHS in advance to all of a sudden have an influx of tickets now and expect them to be the same as the ones requested months ago.

    tpirfan 05.29.2007 @ 11:58

    ALl e- tickets are now standby tickets. CBS sent out some e-mails about this last week. If your not sure, call the CBS hotline, but if you call prior to 2pm pacific, the guy who answers has no idea about anything hes an idiot. Call after 2pm and talk to the girl who answers.

    Amy 05.29.2007 @ 21:47

    Hi All:

    Just returned from the May 29th taping of TPIR. Yes, we did camp out all night and I am glad that we did. We had Stand-by tickets that are now admitted after all of the regular ticket holders (9:00 AM). (The pages informed us that this was the first day that they had followed this new procedure.) If we had not camped out, we would have been much further back in the line of the Stand-by ticket holders and would not have gotten in. We were #26-30 of the stand-by ticket holders and had arrived at 12:00 PM the day before. I believe that close to 80 Stand-By ticket holders were admitted into the 1:15 PM show. Even with that amount admitted, many did not get into the show. I would recommed driving by the line to get a feel for how crowded it is.

    Camping out was interesting and it really is fun to meet all of the other people in the line. Everyone is very friendly and excited, it made for a very fun night. Tiring, but fun. Kmart down the street is a great place to get chairs, blankets and sleeping bags.

    I strongly recommend Canters deli two blocks down the street from the line. It is EXCELLENT. Also, the Father’s Daughter is a cute hotel and it is a nice place to go to change clothes and keep all of your things. It is across the street from the line.

    Be warned that at 6:00 AM, the regular ticket holders are admitted, but they have to stay in the studio the entire time. There is not the two hours break like they had in the past. At 6:00 AM the regular ticket holders were given 10-15 minutes to return their chairs and get back to the studio. Many had expected to go take showers etc, but they were not able to.

    I hope this was helpful. If there is any other information that I can provide please let me know.


    Micheal 05.30.2007 @ 15:28

    Anyone have extra tickets for the June 6th show? I would be willing to stand in line for you in exchange for 1 or 2 tickets!!

    Let me know… michealwatson2009@gmail.com


    Andrea 05.30.2007 @ 23:48

    Thank you Amy…your comments were helpful. Am I correct to assume that because I have “real” tickets, not stand-by, that I do not need to camp out. Can someone who has had “real” tickets recently please clarify? Thanks

    Jenny 05.31.2007 @ 09:31

    If anyone wants 2 stand by tickets to the June 5th taping of the price is right let me know ASAP. I only have a few more hours to mail them out from my office and I dont want them to go to waste so email me if you see this by today (Thursday) and are interested. My e-mail is Jhard310@comcast.net and I will be checking it throughout the day

    Meg 05.31.2007 @ 10:40

    I have standby etickets for the following dates:

    June 4 – 1:15
    June 4 – 4:30
    June 5 – 2:30

    If anyone needs them, give me your email address and I will forward them.

    Amy 05.31.2007 @ 11:06


    On May 29th that is true, but I am not sure that it is true on the upcoming days. From what I understand CBS issued more regular tickets than capacity of the studio. I have to assume that as we get closer to Bob’s last days that more regular ticket holders will show up. If you show up the day of the taping there is a chance you will not get in even with regular tickets. I would suggest going by the line to see where it is the day before the show.

    Good luck and enjoy the show. It was awesome to see Bob upclose.


    Anonymous 05.31.2007 @ 22:19


    Yes, you’ll still need to camp out!! The deal with “reserve tickets” is new. (within the week or so)People have been camping out for many years….. Even when ALL tickets were “real” tickets people still needed to camp out because they give out more tickets than they have seats in the studio.

    As much as you don’t want to camp out (neither did I) you will need to do it if you want a chance to be in the audience….. trust me!

    Dana 06.01.2007 @ 00:29

    Went to the May 30th taping. Had a BLAST. You’re going to want to get in line early, as this will also determine where you sit in the studio. This doesn’t make a difference in your chances in being picked, but who doesn’t want to sit down front? By 9am on the 30th, people had already started lining up for the 31st taping.

    Dana 06.01.2007 @ 01:10

    Oh yeah, and whomever can pass it along to the people at goldenroad.com, I’ve been trying to sign up for awhile and it won’t let me. It’s listed under DanaDuffy or getfuzzy@mail.com. Any help would be appreciated. =)

    John 06.01.2007 @ 02:22

    I called CBS Guest Relations and she said these “real” tickets have been issued “not in excess of capacity.”

    So everyone with a real ticket should be able to get in.

    In the past, the real tickets have been issued “in excess of capacity” and that is why people had to go early. So if you have a real ticket then you don’t really have to go early. Just as long as you are there before 6AM.

    Voltaire 06.01.2007 @ 06:04

    Dana – I just contacted the tech guy at Golden Road, and he said your account has been activated. Try logging in now.

    Cat 06.01.2007 @ 08:31

    MEG, do you still have June 4 4:30 stand-by’s? If so, would love to have them! Please e-mail me at cslaminko@yahoo.com. Thanks!

    Meg 06.01.2007 @ 10:36

    Cat, check your email…

    Dana 06.01.2007 @ 11:09

    Voltaire~ THANK YOU!!

    thank you Bob! 06.01.2007 @ 14:19

    Went to the May 29th taping, started in line at 11am, May 28th- ended up 35-38! I suggest to get there as soon as you can- the order of arrival determines your seats- ticket holders first, then stand-by ticket holders- the closer to the front of the line, the better seats you get, or the better odds you have at getting in (for stand-by’s) beware- it is COLD in the studio (especially after being up all night). be ready to spend your day at CBS by 6am- shirts on and chairs, sleeping bags, blankets- stuff – away. also, i would suggest NOT to take your cell phone or camera- they are not allowed in the studio, it took over 20 minutes to get ours back after the show. each one of you will get interviewed too, from? do? Have a ball. we did. and please, during the question and answer time with Bob, do NOT ask him what the most embarissing moment is for him- it’s the tube top fall out. GO on down and make the most of it.

    thank you Bob! 06.01.2007 @ 14:20

    FYI.. if you want in – Camp Out!

    thank you Bob! 06.01.2007 @ 14:24

    By the way, I had an eticket and it worked just fine, as did probably half of the others at the taping.

    Mary 06.02.2007 @ 18:05

    Thank you Bob Barker for many hours and years of entertainment.

    Mary 06.02.2007 @ 18:12

    You will be missed, Bob Barker. We have a chat room on the internet where we watch the show every day. Bob Barker always looks dapper and his Beauties are lovely (except when they wear those tangerine dresses)

    ……so send me a ticket!

    Mike 06.03.2007 @ 14:23

    Hi All,

    If anyone lives near pheonix and is in need of a single ticket for the June 5th taping I have a free ticket for them.

    Email me ASAP to discuss. Thanks.


    John 06.03.2007 @ 17:34

    Free for anyway who can use them:

    2 Regular (not e-tickets) Tickets to June 5th TPIR

    4 Standby (not e-tickets) Tickets to June 6th TPIR

    I am in Phoenix, AZ area as well.

    Post on here with email and I’ll send you a replay


    Dan 06.03.2007 @ 22:12

    Go to


    stand by etickets for June 4 and 5 are available.

    mike 06.04.2007 @ 09:34

    John, I want the June 5th tickets,. please send me an e-mail to mhealey@manatt.com

    AJ 06.04.2007 @ 14:58

    Hey I was at the May 16th taping for the May 24th episode…..but the President made a speech at the same time it was supposed to be on…. Then I find out it was on a few days later and forgot to tape it. Is there any way to order a copy from somewhere?? Thanks alot

    Brian 06.05.2007 @ 14:19

    I was #79 of the stand-by’s for the 06/01 taping (was out since 11:15 the night before). About 50 stand-by’s got in after me. I think you had to be there by about 3:00 a.m. to get in. It was worth it!

    TPIR Fan 06.05.2007 @ 14:25

    Hi All,

    Here is the deal. I have one ticket for the June 6th taping. Somone is holding my spot in line right now (2PM 6/5). She got in line around 4AM this morning.

    She is expecting me to come around 11PM tonight 6/5. I am unable to make it.

    So basically there is 1 ticket and 1 spot in line for the very last taping of TPIR with Bob Barker for someone. I basically just want to recover the money I spent on the ticket (I bought them on Ebay). I also don’t want the ticket to go to waste.

    So if you want to go and are willing to pay $200. Email me and I’ll give you the information. You must bring cash and pay when you get the ticket and spot in line.

    If I get multiple requests, the highest offer gets it.

    Email me if interested: NickTPIR@gmail.com


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