

Monday at the Price is Right

Filed under: a group of folks,neat!,useless @ 12:12

The short of it is: if you have tickets for the 1:15pm taping of the Price is Right on a Monday, get there before 5:30 or you probably won’t get in (see the table at the bottom of the post).

On to the long of it.

In town visiting Michelle a week and a half ago was her good friend Laura whose greatest desire while in LA was to see Bob Barker at a taping of The Price is Right. Since Laura was just in town for the weekend, going to the studio on Monday was our only option. Unfortunately, Monday is the busiest day there for two reasons: all the out of towners just in LA for the weekend have to go on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday), and there are two tapings on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday). It was going to be a long day.

The previous week, Michelle had gone to the CBS studio to pick up tickets for the 1:15pm taping on February 5th. Apparently there was no line (though there was also no one at the booth for some time), and she, as a ticket picker-uper, was allowed to park in the studio lot for free.

Monday Morning (with deserved capitalization) Greg and I awoke around 4:00am and were picked up by Michelle and Laura at 4:30 here in Pasadena. Without traffic, we made it to the studio, where there was already a sizable line, at about 5:10am. Laura and Greg got us a spot in line while Michelle and I drove around the block to The Grove‘s parking lot (a mall lot that cost us $11 with validation).

We patronized the unenthusiastic coffee/bagel shop across from the studio (location is everything) and waited in line until, at around 6:00am, we were given tickets that held our place in line. I was number 131. At that point we were allowed to leave as long as we returned by 8:00am, so we picked up the car (the lot wasn’t yet taking money that early in the morning, so we decided to move the car while we could and save a few bucks) and drove to a nearby IHOP. We parked back at the grove and went back to the studio to wait for our priority numbers, which we got at about 8:30am. I was number 98; apparently about a third of the people in front of us were there for the later, second taping.

At 9:00am they called us back into formation and started droning on about rules (no disparaging remarks about the prizes, please), taxes (you have to pay them), the line we were sitting in (never leave it or you’re not getting into the taping), and a handful of other things that were repeated ad nauseum. Eventually, we were issued our name tags (Price is Right name tags!) and seating numbers (our fourth non-ticket). I was number 99; it’s unclear why we four were all bumped up a number.

At some point (cell phones and cameras are not allowed on the studio, so I wasn’t able to keep good track of time), they started calling a dozen people from the line up at a time to be “interviewed”. Contestants on the Price is Right are not drawn randomly. They are selected from the crowd ahead of time during this interview process. You only have a few seconds to make your mark, so be creative. We finally got interviewed at around 11:30. We then got herded into… another line! and sat down to play a few hands of UNO with our neighbors.

And then the moment arrived. We finally got into the studio a bit before 1:00pm and got seats. The place was tiny. Watching the show on TV, you get the sense that there are at least a thousand people in the audience and that “coming on down” is at least a 50 yard dash. As it turns out, there’s only about two hundred and fifty people at the taping, and most everyone is within twenty feet of the stage. The display doors (which look massive on TV) are eat-me tiny and the stage itself is about the size of a foosball table. When we first came in, I remarked that Bob Barker must be a midget. Apparently, the TV industry is just plain good at clever photography.

After being prepped by the show’s announcer, the actual taping flew by; everything was extremely fast paced: “Come on down”, bidding, win, play whatever game, cut to commercial, repeat. During “commercial breaks”, Bob would talk to the crowd and take questions. This was just about the only time we actually heard his voice. The staff there get all the audience members to ooh and ahh and scream and shout advice (“higher!”, “$1300”, “the soup!”, “My spleen just exploded”, and so on) with such volume that very little of what’s going on on stage is discernible. I now have a lot of sympathy for the contestants who keep having to ask about the previous people’s bids.

Sadly, none of us was called down. Our dreams (“one dollar, Bob”) were not fulfilled. The guy behind us did get called though, so I bet we were on TV for a second or two (unfortunately, the show aired today and I was too lazy to give anyone advance warning). Despite our lack of luck, I’m glad to have gone. Price is Right, for good or for ill, is truly a piece of Americana, and it was neat to be involved.

Anyway, that’s the boring long of it. For a less mind numbing account, see Greg’s First Post! on the subject.

Below is a table of a person’s final seat number for the 1:15pm taping vs. that person’s arrival time. Somewhere not too far past seat number 150, the people all came from pre-booked large groups which are guaranteed admission (and so don’t have to wait in line).

Final Seat Number Arrival Time
1 11:00pm
10 12:30am
15 2:00am
30 2:45am
40 3:30am
65 4:00am
100 5:10am
150 5:50am


    Anonymous 04.22.2007 @ 22:09

    May (post number 150)

    Q) How long are you waiting on the mental benches?
    A) Are they filming 1 or 2 shows that day??? When I was there, they only filmed 1 show and the filming began at 2:30pm so to answer your question…. Roughly 5 hours!! depending on what time they tell you to return after handing out the OOR numbers.

    Q) Can you bring any drink or food while you are waiting?
    A) I think so. If you are bringing a bag of some kind (purse) you could put something in there to eat or drink…. I DID see a few people eating some stuff they brought for themselves. Keep in mind they DO have a concession stand right there for the TPIR audience members…. They sell sandwiches, bags of chips, candy bars, soft drinks, water and maybe a few other types of drink. The prices aren’t bad but at least they have some stuff for people to eat while waiting and the sandwiches aren’t to bad either. They also have the CBS TPIR souvenir shop right there, you can shop through it while you’re waiting…. It’s pretty small though and bring plenty of money… I think TPIR shirts were somewhere in the 28 dollar range if I remember correctly.

    Q) I would also like to bring a pack of cards during the long wait. Did you see anyone else doing that?
    A) I don’t remember seeing anyone else doing that but I think it would be OK.

    Hope this helps answer a few of your questions.

    Have fun and good luck.

    MDA 04.22.2007 @ 22:24

    We brought UNO with us and played with some of our line neighbors.

    May 04.23.2007 @ 10:42

    Thank you so much for the details. Its a 2:30 show,and I was under the impression we couldn’t bring our purses with us, but that was just cameras and cell phones. For those that will be going to the Thursday showing, I’m the one that will be wearing a t-shirt with my dog and turtle. Hope to see you there and we get to spin the wheel.

    Sandy 04.23.2007 @ 14:30


    Anonymous 04.23.2007 @ 22:30

    Have fun and be ready to spin the wheel…. It’s really HEAVY. Use BOTH hands!!

    Have fun and good luck.

    Meg 04.24.2007 @ 06:13

    Got to see the Million Dollar Spectacular taping last April 16th. It was an experience of a lifetime. It’s gonna be aired on May 16th at 7/8pm. It’s a nighttime special.

    The best part for me was finally seeing BOB BARKER. He is awesome!!! Meeting so many people who are all loyal friends and true adds to the happiness I felt throughout this experience.

    I am so happy that I went back to try watching the show again. The first time, I was not even able to get an order of arrival pass. This time, I got priority number 13. I got one of the best seats, 2nd row of the middle section. I sat beside a “VIP”.

    I stayed at Guest House Inn. It’s along Beverly Blvd. and very close to CBS. The walk to the entrance gate along Fairfax Ave. is about 3-5 minutes.

    The 2:30pm taping lasted for about 2 hrs. They say usually it’s just an hour.

    If you dream of watching THE PRICE IS RIGHT, go for it!!! Bob Barker’s last taping date is June 6.

    We were in line for 38 hours and 10 more hours from the time we got the OoAP til the end of taping. IT IS ALL WORTH IT!

    Leo 04.24.2007 @ 11:28

    I DESPERATELY need tickets for May 29 or 30!! I have a pair for May 15 I can trade, unfortunately my travel plans changed due to work. If anyone can help make my dream come true PLEASE email me!!

    *email removed*


    Tim 04.24.2007 @ 13:59

    Will PAY $$$$$ for a copy of the price is right show that aired today 4/24/2007. My cousin was on it and I tried to tape it for her but failed miserably and now she is heart-broken. PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you.

    Liz 04.24.2007 @ 16:21

    We (eight of us) leave tomorrow for the 4/26 taping. Can’t wait to win!!!! Really, I just want at least one of us to get on – Any of us (but would really love it, if it was ME)

    Anonymous 04.24.2007 @ 17:35

    I have tickets for the taping on this Thursday (4/26 at 2:30 PM). Is there any chance of getting into the studio if we show up at around 6:30 or 7? It’s a 3 hour drive for us so I’m trying to figure out just how early we should leave.

    Laurie 04.24.2007 @ 18:10

    Does anyone have extra tickets to the May 21st, 4:30 taping? We currently have 4 tickets but need 3 more. This trip is for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary, her 70th Birthday, & his 75th Birthday. They have been talking about this special trip for the past couple of years and is a gift from their kids. We don’t want to let them down with 3 left behind! Their venture originates in Starkweather, ND!! (population 125!)

    Shalon 04.24.2007 @ 19:43

    Hi All!

    Just a little update for you. I went to the taping yesterday, Monday 4/24. I know people have been asking about when to line up, etc. Keep in mind I had tickets to the 1:15 taping on a Monday.

    We arrived at 2:30 pm on Sunday. There were already people in line, so we bought our chairs and snacks at Kmart and got in line at 3pm. (The first person got in line at noon) It rained and was very cold for the end of April. It made it somewhat of a miserable night, but meeting people in line was more than worth it.

    By the time security went down the line at 11:30 pm he stated there were 169 people in line.

    The OOA passes were handed out at approximately 6:15am. I had OOA pass number 30. We were told that people for both tapings had to return by 7:30. We rushed back to our hotel, checked out, loaded up our cars and headed back.

    We were then given our priority number and told to return at 9am, I went from number 30 to number 20. We went across the street and bought the famous over priced bagels. Hint – one sesame seed bagel with butter toasted and a snapple was $7.50!!!!!!

    We returned and the wait begins. They check your ID and social security number, write your name tag and you wait to be interviewed by the production staff. Once interviewed you turn the corner around the other side of the studio and wait to get in. I believe we were let in at approximatley 12:45 for the 1:15 taping.

    My impressions are the same as everyone elses. The studio is FREEZING COLD and the stage is SMALL. My high school auditorium was bigger than the stage.

    As far as some recent questions, yes you can have food and drink up until the time you actually enter the studio. There are only a couple of times where you can leave the line to go to the restroom so make sure you go when they tell you to.

    After camping out in the rain for 22 hours and freezing my butt off with only 45 minutes sleep all night, I must say I would do it again AFTER BOB RETIRES. He answers questions between resets of the stage, and was pretty witty! However the excitement of the show and the culmination of a 22 hour wait was totally fun.

    If you go, enjoy! And if you have any questions, please email me and I will be happy to answer the best I can.


    Meg 04.25.2007 @ 06:52


    go to http://www.golden-road.net. a lot of people there record the show everyday.

    Jonny 04.25.2007 @ 12:15

    desperately need one ticket for may 15th…i have waited 20 plus years to see bob…i have my plane tickets and just need one ticket for pir on may 15th…i will pay top dollar for the ticket as well…please let me know.



    Kelly 04.25.2007 @ 19:35

    My husband went to the April 24 taping that was at 2:30. We arrived just after 6am that day and was 255th in line. We waited in line for a long time then sat on cold metal bench’s and paid a lot of money for crap food in the concession store. Also there isn’t much room in the run and when we tried to go around the main area to sit on a wall in the sun the security guard about beat us. There is a very designated area that you can stay in after 8am. Finally at about 1:45 we went with about a dozen other people for the inteview.
    Let me tell you they’re aren’t looking for certain people (race, gender, what they do, what they look like, what creative t-shirt that have on etc) they’re looking for someone who can really show a great personality in the span of 20 seconds.
    My husband managed to impress the producer and was one of the first 4 contestants told to come on down. He then went on to win his prize on stage and then $11,000 on the big wheel!!!! He lost the showcase.
    Even if he hadn’t won anything its worth the wait! Its worth every cold uncomfertable moment. The show airs May 10th so look for Richard!!

    Pebbles 04.26.2007 @ 13:17

    Quick question…if you request tickets via mail and there are no more left, do you get a “no tickets available” letter or are you just left wondering until your date passes by? If you do get the tickets, how much in advance do you receive them? Thanks.

    Anonymous 04.26.2007 @ 19:38

    To Pebbles – If there are no more tickets left you will get a letter saying so. Tickets are mailed at least 2 weeks before the taping. I think I remember reading that they’re mailed 2-4 weeks before.

    I went to the taping today. We arrived at 5:30 and I was #252 when I received my OOA pass, and when we got our priority numbers I was #251.

    They actually ended up letting in all 37 people who were on the waiting list, so if you get there a little too late then don’t give up hope! It seemed like a lot of people left figuring they had no chance of getting in, but if they had just waited they probably could have gotten a spot.

    And like everyone else has said, it is definitely worth the long wait! I would definitely do it again.

    Anonymous 04.26.2007 @ 21:45

    Congrats, Kelly! I remember your husband in line as I was guiding you all to go around to the metal detectors. I had a feeling he would be called. I am always good at guessing. Did you by any chance hear my singing, or were you too far in the back to hear it? I remember I sang to the audience by the gift shop, but spent more time with the audiece who was at the interview section.

    aTOMiQ 04.27.2007 @ 16:02

    Desperate for 2 tickets any time after May 15th. My requests from March were all declined. Dual graduation/engagement present hinges on acquiring some tickets. Please help! Willing to pay/barter/beg. Email me at tjqiv@hotmail.com

    anonymous 04.28.2007 @ 07:11

    Here’s a potential tip for those of you who have some tickets but are looking for more. If you got them online, just make 2 copies of the email ticket confirmation. When we were checked in they don’t even really look at it, let along check them off, so you could get multiple people in with the same printout – someone correct me if I am wrong

    Kelly 04.28.2007 @ 19:24

    To the CBS guy who sang the song!

    Yes we heard bits and pieces of your song and it was great, you should do it on the loud speaker so everyone can hear you! Keep me posted and let me know if anyone else gets $11,000 before Bob retires. How cool would it be if he was the last!


    Tammy 04.29.2007 @ 21:35

    I sent away for June 4th tickets in Febuary and haven’t seen them yet in mail!!!
    When will they come?
    What time should we wait in line?

    Kelly 04.30.2007 @ 13:42

    I went to the Price is Right courtesy of a girl named Meg. It was awesome. I had asked if anyone had any tickets and she had tickets that she would not be using. I say “thanks to Meg” this was one of the best things I have ever did for vacation. We had the best time and being there watching everything was pretty spectacular. Just want to say thanks for Meg because it would not have happened without you.

    Meg 04.30.2007 @ 21:22

    You are welcome. I am happy for you and your sisters.

    Jimbo 05.01.2007 @ 12:08

    Does anyone have tickets for May 15-17? Also, are the lines getting longer now that we’re in the last months for BOB? Anyone have an updated recommended time to show up?

    Kelsey 05.01.2007 @ 18:28

    We’re going May 16 and 17, but we don’t have any extra tickets. If someone can’t come, then I’ll keep you in mind. Hope to see you there!

    Suzy 05.02.2007 @ 21:54

    We are going on May 15th but don’t have any extra tickets. If anyone else has tickets for that day let me know. We were gonna get there the night before to wait in line.

    Abby 05.05.2007 @ 11:47

    Anyone have 2 extra tickets for May 21 or 22? I am desperate – this is my graduation dream. I already have my plane tickets but the show said they are out of tickets! I am desperate. Thanks!! abigailfoulds@hotmail.com

    Heather 05.06.2007 @ 07:00

    I will PAY $$ for a ticket to May 21,22,23rd. My family is sending my husband from NY and we got denied tickets via mail.I’m curently bidding on some on ebay but I seem to be losing out at the last second. This is for his 36th birthday. I just want him to be able to get the experience. He’s willing to wait in line for however long, but as we know, no pre ticket, no ooa ticket. So really…these are the “golden tickets” now. HELP!!! LOVE THIS BLOG, IT HAS BEEN MAJORLY HELPFUL!!!!

    Chelsea 05.06.2007 @ 09:33

    I’m going with my family to a taping at the end of May. Does anyone know if one person can wait in line for the rest of the group? We already have etickets so if I waited in line alone would I be able to get place holding ticket numbers for the rest of my group? If anyone knows it’d be a great help.

    Sarah 05.06.2007 @ 10:59

    Hi! My mother and I are flying out to go the PIR on Sunday for the Monday, May 21st show. We mailed in for four tickets thinking that my husband and father would be going as well. Anyway, they have decided not to go which leaves us with two extra tickets. We would be willing to give them to someone if they will hold a place in line for us. However, this person must be there VERY early on Sunday. Please email me if you are willing to do this for us.

    Sarah 05.06.2007 @ 11:00

    Sorry, please post your email and I will contact you.

    Sarah 05.06.2007 @ 11:05

    Answer to Chelsea’s question: Yes, you can hold a spot in line for the rest of your group. Some people that have waited all night may get mad that you do this (especially if you have a large group) because it pushes them back farther. However, there are no rules that say that you cannot do this. I looked and didn’t find anything. I have also heard of many other people that have done this.

    Voltaire 05.06.2007 @ 12:56

    Answer to Sarah:
    I am willing to hold a place in line for you on Sunday afternoon if you have one extra ticket. Please let me know via email ASAP at Voltron291@gmail.com. Thanks!

    Voltaire 05.06.2007 @ 13:12

    Answer to Chelsea’s question:
    Yes, you can hold a place in line. Usually if you let the people in line behind you know that you’re holding a place in line for a couple of others that’s ok, but not if it’s a big group of like 6 or 7 people. If it’s one or two people the people in line are usually ok with that. BUT, every member of your party MUST be there at 6 AM to receive order of arrival passes.

    Voltaire 05.06.2007 @ 14:49

    Sorry I think i misspelled my e-mail address, its:

    Sarah 05.06.2007 @ 18:17

    NO MORE TICKETS:( Sorry, I have already given out my two extra tickets. Thanks for those who responded.

    Laurie 05.07.2007 @ 16:39

    We are still looking for 3 extra tickets for May 21st 4:30 taping to help celebrate my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary. Can anyone out there help make this a trip they will not forget??? Lsather@wah.midco.net

    Malayka 05.07.2007 @ 18:51

    I desperately need tickets to the May 23rd showing. I will pay cash.$$$ Please contact me ASAP if you can help. Thanks. mlj531@yahoo.com

    Malayka 05.07.2007 @ 18:52

    ABOUT ABOVE RESPONSE** I meant the May 24th show, for Thursday. Please help. Thanks. mlj531@yahoo.com

    randi 05.08.2007 @ 07:20

    Was anyoneone at the May 1st taping? I am looking for people that I met there, and are hoping to find them on here. Anyways watch the show on May 17th during the day, my grandma was a contestent, and made it to the showcase. She didn’t win, but WOW what an experience. We are the crazy group in green from Kansas. Good Luck everyone, its worth the wait.

    Russ 05.08.2007 @ 13:49

    need tickets to Price is Right on May 22nd or 23rd. die hard tpir fan. will be in la on vacation. name price. $$$$

    Russ 05.08.2007 @ 13:53

    for above comment email russ_vann@yahoo.com.
    Thanks. I would greatly appreciate it!

    Kelsey 05.08.2007 @ 17:43

    we’ve got a little group of girls from wichita going. where are you from and was it amazing?!

    John 05.08.2007 @ 22:30

    I have a question about the E-Tickets. Does the person that is named on the E-Ticket have to be one of the people that uses the ticket? For example, say I got the E-Ticket in my name “John Smith” can I let friends of mine use that ticket without me being there?

    Thanks in advance for any info!

    Anonymous 05.09.2007 @ 09:32

    It’s funny how this web site WAS about the stories from either going to, or being on the show. Now, it’s nothing but desperate people asking for tickets…….

    Eric 05.09.2007 @ 09:37

    Does anybody know what’s happening for the June tapings. Did anyone get any responses for mail-in or know when they will go online?

    Eric 05.09.2007 @ 09:38


    So what? Relax and enjoy the ride for now. It will be over soon.

    Bill 05.09.2007 @ 11:23


    They didn’t even look at mine when they took it. Plus it didn’t have a name, i just had my email address on it.

    Voltaire 05.09.2007 @ 11:42

    To answer John’s question:
    No, the person who’s name on the ticket does not have to be with the party. The pages will still accept the ticket.

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