

Monday at the Price is Right

Filed under: a group of folks,neat!,useless @ 12:12

The short of it is: if you have tickets for the 1:15pm taping of the Price is Right on a Monday, get there before 5:30 or you probably won’t get in (see the table at the bottom of the post).

On to the long of it.

In town visiting Michelle a week and a half ago was her good friend Laura whose greatest desire while in LA was to see Bob Barker at a taping of The Price is Right. Since Laura was just in town for the weekend, going to the studio on Monday was our only option. Unfortunately, Monday is the busiest day there for two reasons: all the out of towners just in LA for the weekend have to go on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday), and there are two tapings on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday). It was going to be a long day.

The previous week, Michelle had gone to the CBS studio to pick up tickets for the 1:15pm taping on February 5th. Apparently there was no line (though there was also no one at the booth for some time), and she, as a ticket picker-uper, was allowed to park in the studio lot for free.

Monday Morning (with deserved capitalization) Greg and I awoke around 4:00am and were picked up by Michelle and Laura at 4:30 here in Pasadena. Without traffic, we made it to the studio, where there was already a sizable line, at about 5:10am. Laura and Greg got us a spot in line while Michelle and I drove around the block to The Grove‘s parking lot (a mall lot that cost us $11 with validation).

We patronized the unenthusiastic coffee/bagel shop across from the studio (location is everything) and waited in line until, at around 6:00am, we were given tickets that held our place in line. I was number 131. At that point we were allowed to leave as long as we returned by 8:00am, so we picked up the car (the lot wasn’t yet taking money that early in the morning, so we decided to move the car while we could and save a few bucks) and drove to a nearby IHOP. We parked back at the grove and went back to the studio to wait for our priority numbers, which we got at about 8:30am. I was number 98; apparently about a third of the people in front of us were there for the later, second taping.

At 9:00am they called us back into formation and started droning on about rules (no disparaging remarks about the prizes, please), taxes (you have to pay them), the line we were sitting in (never leave it or you’re not getting into the taping), and a handful of other things that were repeated ad nauseum. Eventually, we were issued our name tags (Price is Right name tags!) and seating numbers (our fourth non-ticket). I was number 99; it’s unclear why we four were all bumped up a number.

At some point (cell phones and cameras are not allowed on the studio, so I wasn’t able to keep good track of time), they started calling a dozen people from the line up at a time to be “interviewed”. Contestants on the Price is Right are not drawn randomly. They are selected from the crowd ahead of time during this interview process. You only have a few seconds to make your mark, so be creative. We finally got interviewed at around 11:30. We then got herded into… another line! and sat down to play a few hands of UNO with our neighbors.

And then the moment arrived. We finally got into the studio a bit before 1:00pm and got seats. The place was tiny. Watching the show on TV, you get the sense that there are at least a thousand people in the audience and that “coming on down” is at least a 50 yard dash. As it turns out, there’s only about two hundred and fifty people at the taping, and most everyone is within twenty feet of the stage. The display doors (which look massive on TV) are eat-me tiny and the stage itself is about the size of a foosball table. When we first came in, I remarked that Bob Barker must be a midget. Apparently, the TV industry is just plain good at clever photography.

After being prepped by the show’s announcer, the actual taping flew by; everything was extremely fast paced: “Come on down”, bidding, win, play whatever game, cut to commercial, repeat. During “commercial breaks”, Bob would talk to the crowd and take questions. This was just about the only time we actually heard his voice. The staff there get all the audience members to ooh and ahh and scream and shout advice (“higher!”, “$1300”, “the soup!”, “My spleen just exploded”, and so on) with such volume that very little of what’s going on on stage is discernible. I now have a lot of sympathy for the contestants who keep having to ask about the previous people’s bids.

Sadly, none of us was called down. Our dreams (“one dollar, Bob”) were not fulfilled. The guy behind us did get called though, so I bet we were on TV for a second or two (unfortunately, the show aired today and I was too lazy to give anyone advance warning). Despite our lack of luck, I’m glad to have gone. Price is Right, for good or for ill, is truly a piece of Americana, and it was neat to be involved.

Anyway, that’s the boring long of it. For a less mind numbing account, see Greg’s First Post! on the subject.

Below is a table of a person’s final seat number for the 1:15pm taping vs. that person’s arrival time. Somewhere not too far past seat number 150, the people all came from pre-booked large groups which are guaranteed admission (and so don’t have to wait in line).

Final Seat Number Arrival Time
1 11:00pm
10 12:30am
15 2:00am
30 2:45am
40 3:30am
65 4:00am
100 5:10am
150 5:50am


    Cassie 03.05.2007 @ 14:54

    Can anyone tell me what they asked you in your interview thingy? I am going this coming Wed!

    Adam 03.05.2007 @ 17:25

    I went weekend before last. The interview questions they ask you are literally “what is your name?” “where are you from?” and “what do you do?” It was very evident that it wasn’t what you answer… it was HOW you answer. FREAK OUT AND DO NOT BE SHY ABOUT IT. That is what gets you on the show.

    “Chuck” is a name you will get to know well… you will be spending about 6-8 hours with him sitting on a metal bench. He will tell you the same thing… when you get your 5 second interview GO INSANE. Don’t prepare for any question they might throw at you… prepare to convince them you didn’t just spend the last 12 hours outside their studio on the sidewalk. For those going in the next couple weeks I suggest 1AM being the absolute latest you show up in line. They ARE NOT doing groups anymore so the first 325 people in line (minus maybe 10-20 VIP tickets) will make it on the show.

    Lisa 03.06.2007 @ 19:21

    But how many tickets do they give out for a day – I ordered April 3rd online, so do they overbook 10%, 20%??? We are coming from a resort 2 hours away, and were thinking of getting there at midnight…. but can anyone show up in line with out an online, or mailed ticket and still get in???

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.06.2007 @ 23:50

    Adam, are you sure they are not doing groups any longer?? I was there last month and they had several groups on the show. In fact, we almost didn’t make it into the audience because of the number of groups who came that day. Thankfully a few of the groups were either late or they didn’t show up with enough people to get “group” status (groups are 20 or more people) which means they went to the end of the line and made room for our group of 4. We got there at 4:30 am and almost didn’t get in the audience….. GET THERE EARLY if you’re not in a group.

    And yes, I was called down to contestants row, had a perfect bid to get on stage, won my pricing game but lost on the wheel.

    If you’re considering going to TPIR…. Do it!!! You wont regret it

    Adam 03.07.2007 @ 20:56

    I am positive they are not doing groups any longer as of March 1st. They announced it to us while we were in the “Order of Arrival” line on Tuesday, Feb 27th. As far as how much they overbook. My guess is whoever asks for the tickets to stand in line get them. Those tickets you mail in for or print off online are probably just to guage what kind of turnout they will get. They honestly probably can’t print them fast enough anymore.

    Adam 03.07.2007 @ 20:59

    Also Lisa, they can wait in line without an e-ticket or mailed ticket. If they don’t have a ticket they are going to very upset in the morning when the order of arrival passes are given out and they don’t have a ticket though. They could probably find one without looking too hard though. There are just so many people that don’t get in every day.

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.07.2007 @ 22:15


    You were there roughly 2 weeks after me…. Thanks for the updated info about groups. I have a few friends who would like to go there and we were considering forming a group but I guess we wont waste our time with that now.

    BTW… How did you do when you were there, did you get on the show???

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.07.2007 @ 22:37

    One more thing, You do NOT need to freak out when being interviewed by the producer to get on the show. I answered my 2 questions no differently than if someone on the street asked the same questions. However, I think he was surprised by my answers so he asked me a third question in which I also answered with an quick-witted reply. You’ll know if you are getting on the show or not if the guy sitting in the chair behind the guy asking questions gives you a double look. After the interview process and before going into the TV studio, the other people I was with were convinced I was going to be on the show because of the look the gay gave me while being interviewed…… They were right!!!!

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.08.2007 @ 11:49


    In my previous post, (#58) in the last sentence I typed “the other people I was with were convinced I was going to be on the show because of the look the gay gave me while being interviewed……”

    The word “gay” should have been “guy”

    Sorry for the mistake….

    Jayne 03.08.2007 @ 16:29

    A group of 24 of students from my university work up at 4:30 and arrived at the studio somewhat after 6:30. Only to find out… we were too late. They hand out a pink ticket at 6 am that you MUST have in order to get in.
    I’d suggest just doing the all-night thing or really REALLY early, even it is for a 2:30 pm showing.

    We got rejected!! Now the only way to try again is to miss a day of classes.

    Lisa 03.08.2007 @ 18:23

    Thanks everyone for the information – I am going with my dad – and I think he is convinced he will get on, but I think I really have a better shot ( he is 65, conservative, wouldn’t jump up and down… whereas I am a red-head, and can be crazy – so now I feel we are in a total competition with each other!!!! He told me only one person in a group gets on, and he actually said to me, so I guess you won’t get on!! I am playing it cool – he has not seen these websites, and doesn’t have any clever lines!!!

    Adam 03.08.2007 @ 18:23

    Uhhh ok, all the people I saw get on the show did indeed freak out. I wasn’t imagining things. I think your chances are just better if you do something to stand out. I’m guessing “over-enthusiastic” is easier than “quick witted response” after, at very least, 14 hours of standing in a line.

    TPIR contestant… I didn’t get on obviously but I was in the first row and one of my friends won the final showdown so I got to get up on stage at least. It was a blast, by the time I finally got in the studio I could have cared less if I got on the show or not.

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.08.2007 @ 23:44


    I know exactly how you felt after waiting for 14 hours just to get into the audience….. by the time I got to my seat in the TV studio I was ready for a nap!!! At that point, I had been awake for 28 hours straight and now they want the audience to clap, clap, clap, yell, scream, clap and more clapping!!! Did I mention they want the audience to clap a lot? Did you hands hurt from all the clapping too?

    Anyway…. After my experience on TPIR I would do a few things a little different next time but overall, I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything!!!

    Another Anonymous Winner 03.10.2007 @ 01:13

    Definitely some good advice here!

    I was at yesterday’s taping and yes, I was called to COME ON DOWN! It was one of the greatest days of my life. I won a grandfather clock, lost Spelling Bee for a car (UGH) and spun 80 cents on the wheel but was knocked out by the last person with an 85.

    Here’s the basics of my story, and I hope they can helpful all you hopefuls out there to get in and maybe even get on the show …

    My fiancee and I arrived at 2:15 a.m. and we ended up being nos. 205 and 206 on the OOA passes. We later talked to a woman who had been there since 5:30 p.m. the previous night and she only got no. 29! Things are nuts down there between Bob’s retirement and college spring breaks. Get there SUPER early if you are going in March or April.

    We wore custom T-shirts that asked Bob to come to our wedding, but honestly, the screeners didn’t mention the shirt and neither did Bob (and I was too excited to think of mentioning it to him.) If you do the shirts, do them to get yourself in the mood to party when you’re there.

    As for the group interview, try to spend a few minutes getting yourself in the right frame of mind before it’s your turn. Yes, you’ve likely been waiting at least 10 hours (if not more) and you’ve slept on the street and you’ve been waiting a couple of hours doing absolutely nothing … but they don’t want to know that. They want to see you at your best, whatever that is. If you are a person who freaks out in real life, let it fly. If you’re not, don’t. They really can sense it.

    In my interview, I noticed that people weren’t really engaging the guy. He’d say your name and say hi and they were responding like they were in church. He talked to me and I boomed back, “Hey, how you doin’?” I think it got his attention. We had a cool conversation and my fiancee said he looked me up and down as I walked away.

    In a five-minute span, I went from hearing my name called to playing for A NEW CAR! It was like nothing I’ve ever felt and I sincerely, deeply, truly hope that everyone who reads this gets on stage.

    Even if you don’t, getting into the audience is a huge rush. I said to my fiancee as we walked in, “OK, when we were outside, I was lying when I said I didn’t care if I got on. I really wanted to, but now that we’re in here, I’d be thrilled just to sit and watch this.” And wouldn’t you know, I was called down in the opening!!!

    So get some sleep the night before you go, enjoy your time in line with the people around you, and just make the best of the day. If you really love the show, all the waiting is more than worth it!

    adrienne 03.12.2007 @ 20:31

    just an fyi for anyone going soon: me and my boyfriend went on monday march 5th and arrived at approx 1:30am, when we recieved our order of arrival tickets we were number 319 and 320.. mondays are really packed because of the two tapings.. if you expect to go to the 1:30 taping you better get there hella early because that one fills up way faster than the 4:30 taping.. the lady that was first in line got there at 3:30 in the afternoon the previous day.. these people arent joking around.. lol.. good luck to everyone!

    Anonymous 03.13.2007 @ 07:36

    Key points from our experience on Thursday, March 8:

    • Showed up at 10pm the night before and were 90th in line.

    •Have to use bathroom at gas station (if it’s not being cleaned). If it’s being cleaned find a dark alley. This is just one example of how CBS and the entertainment industry in general could give two hoots about people.

    •Be prepared for the weather. It was cold around 3am.

    •After the Order of Arrival pass was handed out and the “real process” began it was a day filled with little information and time sitting doing nothing. You can only have a conversation with people you’ve been sitting, sleeping, standing next to for so long.

    •If you’re hard of hearing you will be frustrated. Even though you are on a television lot, they only use a PA system a few times. The rest of the time they are yelling instructions at you. Good luck trying to hear what they’re saying. You’re in a parking garage like area (that echos) with at least 350 other people.

    •Might be a good idea to wear one of those document holder things around your neck to keep your license, social security number, and miscellaneous pieces of paper together. You need more ids than getting on an airplane! This is also a good idea since you will be completely delirious after not getting much sleep the night before and you may misplace items.

    •The CBS paiges are not the most happy and chipper folks. Chuck seems to be their ringleader. Apparently he was a contestant on TPIR 2 years ago and he became a paige. There is also some new paige that wrote a song about TPIR and sings it to people. Also, don’t expect them to do you any favors like give you an extra nametag to bring home. They act like they’re doing you a favor just by being present. They’re useless.

    •The “interview” with the producer is fast. They get you at the worst part of the process, just before the show after spending not only all night on the sidewalk, but hours and hours on cold metal benches. Be happy, be neighborly.

    •The studio smells like old people. Before the show when the paiges are seating everyone they play dance music. There is a TPIR dance mix that was pretty funny. The audience did the wave while waiting for the show.

    •Once the show starts you can’t hear anything. You’re hands will hurt from clapping. The staff are constantly wanting the audience to be louder and louder. Not easy to be so animated when you’re tired.

    •The show we were a part of didn’t have the “normal” demographic. No military folks, or older people were asked to come on down. Apparently it was cutesy college girl day. Annoying.

    •The backlot of the show can be seen from an upper level of the Grove’s parking garage. Many of the prizes that I had seen on previous shows were back there (boats, gazebo jacuzzis, trailers, motorcycles, cars, ect).

    •The show is not ending when Bob retires. They’re test screening Mario Lopez and George Hamilton. So, unless you’re really wanting to see Bob, apparently you’ll have a chance to see the show, and you probably won’t have to spend the night on the sidewalk.

    •Don’t assume a homemade tshirt will get you in. From what I remember, only 2 or three of the 9 people selected to come on down had a homemade tshirt. The rest were college tshirts or just plain clothes. If you’re wearing anything with a logo on it they’ll ask you to take it off or turn it around.

    •Bottom line expect frustration and exhaustion and try to remind yourself that the whole thing is fun. If nothing else it’s a funny story to recall when you’re 90.

    Julie 03.13.2007 @ 21:13

    I am going to TPIR March 27th and I plan to get in line on the 26th at 8pm. I will do whatever it takes to get picked. Got our shirts made and I’m doing a colored pencil portrait of Bob to bring with me. So wish me luck!!!! I LOVE BOB

    Katie 03.15.2007 @ 07:23

    I am going to the march 26th 4:30pm taping. What is the latest time we need to be there to be sure we get in?

    John Smith 03.15.2007 @ 22:23

    Hey I have 6 Price is Right tickets for March 21 2007 that I will not be using. Would anyone like them?

    I would be willing to mail them for free…. so if anyone could use them email me and I’ll get them in the mail right away.

    My email is:


    lori 03.16.2007 @ 16:18

    I sent in for tickets for april 2 and 3 and have not gotten them in the mail yet…anyone else gotten their tickets yet???I am getting very worried that we will not get them…how long before the tape date did other people get theirs???


    lori 03.16.2007 @ 16:19

    does anyone have nay extra ones for april 2 or 3…I am dying here..

    lori 03.16.2007 @ 17:34

    actually I have a flight voucher that runs out april 17th-so I can use anyones extra tickets up until april 15…thank you fellow bob lovers!!!!!!!!!

    Meg 03.16.2007 @ 23:06

    This is from the CBS website. I read this two days ago. I have no idea how long it’s been posted. I requested for tickets for April 17th but I doubt if they will still mail my request. I sent the mail two weeks ago.

    Due to the increased demand for tickets because of Mr. Barker’s retirement in June, there are no more March or April tickets available Online, by mail or in the Ticket Booth. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

    Meg 03.16.2007 @ 23:07

    Again, from the CBS website regarding group tickets.

    Groups will not be booked during March, April, May and the first week of June due to Mr. Barker’s retirement and the large demand for general tickets. However, group bookings will resume in mid-June with the new host of “The Price Is Right” and we hope you will check with us before then for available dates and times.

    Angie # 20 & 26 03.17.2007 @ 10:03

    to Julie # 67, I am so happy for you. Many of these other postings appear that they did not have any fun, and it was torture just waiting….I am glad you are going at 8 pm. Getting in line early is not something one should chance. You know that…(you know, I got called on down…he he) I would love to go back, but I don’t think I could top my experience there. Have a great time!!!

    Regina 03.22.2007 @ 11:24

    to lori #72. I have 2 extra tickets (via e-ticket) for the 4:30pm taping on 3/26. Can you use them?

    Sue 03.22.2007 @ 18:09

    I went to the March 5th taping. We arrived at 3:00 and we were 107th in line for the second show. There were A LOT of people turned away. I must say, we had a ball in the line. The people who come early and hang out are so much fun. We went again to the Wednesday taping and arrived at 10:00 p.m. the night before. We were 70th in line. Again, we met some WONDERFUL people and the girl next to me in line won a car, so that was very, very exciting.

    Julie 03.22.2007 @ 20:38

    I’m so glad this website is here to blog info. I’m also glad that groups can’t pre-book for the time I’m going cuz I would be one unhappy camper if I sit in line all night and don’t get in cuz of some pre-booked groups. If anybody can tell me when they give out the order of arrival pass and tell you to come back at a later time…is it better to stay and wait or do they keep you in numbered order so you can go eat breakfast or something and come back and not lose your place? email me any helpul info JulieJulzF05@aol.com
    Julie #1 BOB FAN

    lori 03.22.2007 @ 20:58

    regina,,well they told me today they were sending me some for april 23rd so maybe I can still go .I seriously thought about taking your offer but with work that is sooo hard to do.but thank y ou for offering.I really appreciate your kindness.


    lori 03.22.2007 @ 21:00

    please e-mail me too as I would like to ask you some questions about wher you are staying etc


    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.23.2007 @ 01:36

    Julie….number 78

    They give out the ooa numbers a 6:00am. Yes, you can leave to have breakfast and come back without loosing your spot in line…. (just don’t be late, chuck will tell you what time he wants you back) they DO keep you in numerical order….ALL DAY until you walk into the TV studio.

    Have fun,

    Expect to WIN!!

    Becky 03.23.2007 @ 12:32

    I went to TPIR this past Monday and had an absolute blast! My friend and I had been planning our trip for so long and were pretty well prepared for everything. We decided to get in line at 5:30 pm on Sunday night. By that time there were 48 people in front of us. We brought sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooler, chairs, a blanket and plenty of warm clothes. We actually ended up falling alseep for a few hours right on the street! Around 5 am we packed up our stuff and got ready to get our order of arivial pass. The people that hand out the tickets come out of the gates and hand out the tickets there. You should have all of your stuff put away because you do move in line and will have to leave your stuff behind. After you get your order of arrival pass, you have until 7:45 am to go the bathroom, eat, whatever. At 7:45 you go inside the gates but still outside of the studio. It is mass chaos as the few workers try to organize everyone back into order. Once everyone is in order, you exchange your order of arrival ticket and they write a number on your ticket that you received prior to standing in line. This is your number for the show. Because my friend and I had tickets to the afternoon showing, we were numbers 1 & 2! We then were told that we had to be back by noon. This gives you a good amount of time to eat, walk around, whatever. At 12, they ordered us back into our new line with the people in our show. THey check your ids and then write your name tag. After you have that, then they start the “interview” They take you in groups of 12 and they go down the line and ask “what do you do and where are you from” My friend got a little creative and when they asked her what she did she said “social worker, student and I play the drums” After that you go back in line outside of this security checkpoint. Finally after you go through security you go back in line on the benches. By this time, you are pretty exhausted but SO close to being inside. About 30 min. before the taping begins, you go inside the studio. Like everyone has mentioned, it is very small, and VERY cold so bring a sweatshirt. They go through some rules and get you all hyped up with music. The show goes so fast, you can’t hear anything so you shout our random prices for the contestants. It almost felt fake because it went so fast. My friend actually got called down on the last time and got up on stage. It was such an awesome experience. The people around you are so hyped up. We were trying to think of something additional to add to this blog.. basically if you are driving, bring as much stuff as you can.. sleeping bags were excellent. We brought a cooler full of food plus another bag and it was nice to snack during the night. We also had those body wipes for the morning because we didn’t have time to shower. As far as who gets called down, the people that got called down during our taping were all so different. Some hyper girls, one military guy, an older lady.. so I’m not sure there is a formula for getting on. Be friendly, try to think of something creative and that’s about it. Sorry this blog is so long but i’m so detail oriented I figure someone else is as well! Good luck!

    Katie Kelley 03.23.2007 @ 19:09

    Does anyone have any extra tickets for Monday, April 30 (either taping)??? I sent for a ticket on that day but got a letter stating that there are no more tickets being given out for April or May. I only need one ticket! Please help!!! Thanks!

    Katie Kelley 03.23.2007 @ 19:17

    I forgot to include my email for the above post. If you have an extra ticket for April 30, please let me know at crazyforcookie@gmail.com Thanks!

    Meg 03.23.2007 @ 22:56

    hi katie. i have an eticket for may 1st (tuesday). if i get to watch the april 16th taping, i will give this eticket to someone.

    visit http://www.golden-road.net for all the information you need on watching TPIR. if i did this before my feb. 22 trip to L.A., i should have been able to watch the taping last feb. 26th. the april 16th taping is my second attempt.

    it is a dream for me to see bob barker and watch TPIR taping live.

    anyone who plans on watching the may 1st taping and does not have a ticket, email me at hpgeom@yahoo.com.

    deb 03.24.2007 @ 16:12

    So can you not get an OOA pass thing unless you have this pre-ticket? And, if they aren’t giving out any more mar and apr tickets, can you request may or june? I would like to see Bob. The next one just won’t be the same.


    deb 03.24.2007 @ 16:19

    Becky #82

    After you got your number about 7:45am and they told you to be back at noon, could you have gone back to the hotel to shower or do you have to stay on the lot or in a certain area?


    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.24.2007 @ 23:01


    You will NOT get an OOA number without a pre ticket!!! You MUST have a pre ticket or you’re wasting your time standing in line.

    No pre ticket = wont get into the show. No exceptions!!

    Once you get your OOA number, and Chuck tells you what time to be back, you can go anywhere you want. You do NOT need to stay on the property….. Just make sure you’re not late when returning to the show!!

    Good luck!!

    Cindy 03.26.2007 @ 07:32

    I went to the show on Thursday, march 22. It was an experience of a lifetime. We did not have very good seats once we were inside the studio, but it was amazing. It was worth the time that we spent outside in the cold.

    Let me know if anyone has any questions.

    Lisa 03.26.2007 @ 10:00

    Cindy – what time did you get in line on the 22nd?

    Margie 03.26.2007 @ 11:50

    Hello, TPIR fans, I was at the show on Feb. 12 2007, We arrived in line at 3:30 in the mornning, we took chairs, a blanket and snacks, but by that time there were plenty of other people in line that I rarley sat in my chair I was more excitted about being outside of the CBS sutdios.. That day was the most excitting day of my life…. (with the exception of having my two kids and getting married)

    I was called down, won my way on stage, didn’t win the Ford Fussion I played for but did WIN THE BIG WHEEL AND THEN WENT ON TO WIN MY SHOWCASE…….travel trailer, trip, & desk.

    I think i was chossen because i was almost speechless when it came time for the interview, I was around the corner form seeing BOB,,,,,,, thats when the producer started asking me questions, i started to tear up and found it extremely hard to answer his simple questions


    My crazyness on the show got me Natonal exposure, the day after my show aired I was featured as clip of the week on THE SOUP on the E! channel,(the week of 3/22/07-3/28/07 they called it Margie Madness)and if that weren’t enough THE ADAM CAROLLO SHOW on the radio played a sound bite of my winning.


    try to make a trip to the farmers market (right next to the sudios)……great choice of foods

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.26.2007 @ 11:59

    Congrats Margie!!

    I saw your clip of the week on E! I was also on TV last week too. I didn’t win the showcase like you but I did win my way on stage and won my game.

    Margie 03.26.2007 @ 14:53

    hello anonymous TPIR contestant,

    were you the guy with “I came for the money in BOBs pocket” shirt on????

    if so I thought it totally amazing that you did get the perfect bid for the $500 wearing that paticular shirt…what a coinkydink

    if that wasn’t you …….still congrats on your win. It truley is A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE……….margie

    anonymous TPIR contestant 03.26.2007 @ 15:59

    Nope, not me. I wish it was though!

    Cindy 03.27.2007 @ 08:29

    We got there at 1:00 am and camped out all night. We were #160 in line. We all got in, because there were no groups there that day.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck and have fun!

    Jen 03.27.2007 @ 14:15

    Lori I might have 2 extras tickets for April 2nd- what’s your email address

    lori 03.27.2007 @ 17:04

    hey that sounds awesome .it is amaxwell1234@charter.net.I would really like to go

    lori 03.27.2007 @ 17:05

    ok my e mail is amaxwell1234@charter.net

    Meg 03.27.2007 @ 20:03

    at 10pm central dst, eticket request for april 23-26 is open at cbs.com

    today is march 27.

    Jackie 03.28.2007 @ 20:18

    I can’t believe we’re going across the country to see Bob!! We leave on Sunday from VA for a Monday taping. We also have tickets for Tuesday in case we don’t get in. I’m so excited!! I have a bad neck that hates being cold and sleeping in funky positions. (What fun!!)

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