

Monday at the Price is Right

Filed under: a group of folks,neat!,useless @ 12:12

The short of it is: if you have tickets for the 1:15pm taping of the Price is Right on a Monday, get there before 5:30 or you probably won’t get in (see the table at the bottom of the post).

On to the long of it.

In town visiting Michelle a week and a half ago was her good friend Laura whose greatest desire while in LA was to see Bob Barker at a taping of The Price is Right. Since Laura was just in town for the weekend, going to the studio on Monday was our only option. Unfortunately, Monday is the busiest day there for two reasons: all the out of towners just in LA for the weekend have to go on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday), and there are two tapings on Monday (they don’t tape on Friday). It was going to be a long day.

The previous week, Michelle had gone to the CBS studio to pick up tickets for the 1:15pm taping on February 5th. Apparently there was no line (though there was also no one at the booth for some time), and she, as a ticket picker-uper, was allowed to park in the studio lot for free.

Monday Morning (with deserved capitalization) Greg and I awoke around 4:00am and were picked up by Michelle and Laura at 4:30 here in Pasadena. Without traffic, we made it to the studio, where there was already a sizable line, at about 5:10am. Laura and Greg got us a spot in line while Michelle and I drove around the block to The Grove‘s parking lot (a mall lot that cost us $11 with validation).

We patronized the unenthusiastic coffee/bagel shop across from the studio (location is everything) and waited in line until, at around 6:00am, we were given tickets that held our place in line. I was number 131. At that point we were allowed to leave as long as we returned by 8:00am, so we picked up the car (the lot wasn’t yet taking money that early in the morning, so we decided to move the car while we could and save a few bucks) and drove to a nearby IHOP. We parked back at the grove and went back to the studio to wait for our priority numbers, which we got at about 8:30am. I was number 98; apparently about a third of the people in front of us were there for the later, second taping.

At 9:00am they called us back into formation and started droning on about rules (no disparaging remarks about the prizes, please), taxes (you have to pay them), the line we were sitting in (never leave it or you’re not getting into the taping), and a handful of other things that were repeated ad nauseum. Eventually, we were issued our name tags (Price is Right name tags!) and seating numbers (our fourth non-ticket). I was number 99; it’s unclear why we four were all bumped up a number.

At some point (cell phones and cameras are not allowed on the studio, so I wasn’t able to keep good track of time), they started calling a dozen people from the line up at a time to be “interviewed”. Contestants on the Price is Right are not drawn randomly. They are selected from the crowd ahead of time during this interview process. You only have a few seconds to make your mark, so be creative. We finally got interviewed at around 11:30. We then got herded into… another line! and sat down to play a few hands of UNO with our neighbors.

And then the moment arrived. We finally got into the studio a bit before 1:00pm and got seats. The place was tiny. Watching the show on TV, you get the sense that there are at least a thousand people in the audience and that “coming on down” is at least a 50 yard dash. As it turns out, there’s only about two hundred and fifty people at the taping, and most everyone is within twenty feet of the stage. The display doors (which look massive on TV) are eat-me tiny and the stage itself is about the size of a foosball table. When we first came in, I remarked that Bob Barker must be a midget. Apparently, the TV industry is just plain good at clever photography.

After being prepped by the show’s announcer, the actual taping flew by; everything was extremely fast paced: “Come on down”, bidding, win, play whatever game, cut to commercial, repeat. During “commercial breaks”, Bob would talk to the crowd and take questions. This was just about the only time we actually heard his voice. The staff there get all the audience members to ooh and ahh and scream and shout advice (“higher!”, “$1300”, “the soup!”, “My spleen just exploded”, and so on) with such volume that very little of what’s going on on stage is discernible. I now have a lot of sympathy for the contestants who keep having to ask about the previous people’s bids.

Sadly, none of us was called down. Our dreams (“one dollar, Bob”) were not fulfilled. The guy behind us did get called though, so I bet we were on TV for a second or two (unfortunately, the show aired today and I was too lazy to give anyone advance warning). Despite our lack of luck, I’m glad to have gone. Price is Right, for good or for ill, is truly a piece of Americana, and it was neat to be involved.

Anyway, that’s the boring long of it. For a less mind numbing account, see Greg’s First Post! on the subject.

Below is a table of a person’s final seat number for the 1:15pm taping vs. that person’s arrival time. Somewhere not too far past seat number 150, the people all came from pre-booked large groups which are guaranteed admission (and so don’t have to wait in line).

Final Seat Number Arrival Time
1 11:00pm
10 12:30am
15 2:00am
30 2:45am
40 3:30am
65 4:00am
100 5:10am
150 5:50am


    gv 02.14.2006 @ 14:19

    You should point out that although around 250 people are let in, groups of 25 or more get some sort of priority and don’t stand in the normal lines. So If there are two or three groups, 150 could easily be the largest number let in.

    Ed 02.14.2006 @ 16:54

    [This is only tangentially related to your post, but I feel obliged to submit it anyway.]

    There was a mining engineering grad student who was mildly famous among my circle of friends during my sophomore year of college. Everyone called him Bob Barker, but I honestly don’t know if that was his real name or just an oddly pedestrian nickname (or maybe it was a really clever nickname earned through some extraordinary efforts of which I remain unaware).

    The only remarkable thing about our Bob Barker that I knew of was the incredible volume of Silver Valley Boilermaker that he could consume. The Silver Valley Boilermaker is distinguished from other kinds by the strict requirements that it use only the cheapest Canadian whiskey, the cheapest beer available (any beer bought at a cost of more than $1 per can is a disqualifying ingredient, as is any beer that comes in a bottle [special exceptions to be made if the bottle is of the stubby kind used by such fine brands as Lucky Lager and Olympia, or if the bottled beer claims connection with ‘the glass-lined tanks of Old Latrobe’ AND is either very old or has spent at least twelve hours in the sun or inside a parked car]), and that a hen’s egg be cracked into the glass immediately before consumption, which must take place all in one go.

    Naturally, this ability earned Bob enormous respect from the other mining engineers, but he found it to be woefully ineffectual with students of other disciplines, and particularly with females.

    Hannah 02.15.2006 @ 20:47

    I went to the Price is Right my senior year, but with a group, so I didn’t have to arrive at a ridiculous hour. But everything else you said was how I remember it: the surprisingly small set, the cues to make appropriate noises, and the selection process (we all think the contestants are selected randomly). Though if you can get a big group together, I think it is almost guaranteed that at least one member of the group will get on the show. That way they get a lot of noise from the audience.

    Danielle 04.06.2006 @ 11:30

    So…would you say its worth it? Was there a lot of people turned away? My main concern is I am flying out from NY, I cant get straight answers. If I get there at 6am…will I see the show? There is going to be 4 of us. We are planning on going on a Thursday. This would be my dream com true but I feel it could turn into a nightmare!

    mda 04.08.2006 @ 18:48

    You’ll hear this about a hundred times at the studio: no one can gaurantee you will see the show. However, if this is a dream of yours, then it is totally worth it to go; you have to try. I can’t make any recommendation, since I’ve just been the one time, but if you’re that excited, go. Going and not getting in is way better than no going for it at all.

    Sara 04.12.2006 @ 20:05

    I am going this upcoming Monday, and my friend who has the tix say that we have tix for the 4:45 show. So, what time should i show up for that show? All i can find is information for other days of the week and monday morning. Also, do they allow purses? Flipflops? and cell phones (if they are off)? D

    MDA 04.12.2006 @ 20:25

    On Monday, the tickets for both shows are handed out at the same time; even if you’re slated to be in the later show, you still have to show up early in the morning together with the people for the early show.

    But to address your questions: when we left the studio after the 1:15pm taping, they still had spots to fill for the 4:30pm taping. We may have gone during a slow day, though. Basically: I have no idea about when you should get there. I would imagine that 5:30am would definitely do for you, but I can’t make any promises.

    Thanks to Michelle’s excellent memory…

    Purses: yes you can take them, but they will be searched (and everyone goes through a metal detector).

    Cell phones and cameras: they hold them for you (like a coat check) during the taping and give them back to you at the end. I left mine in the car to avoid this.

    Flip flops/sandals: These are fine.

    Allie 05.09.2006 @ 09:20

    Thanks for all the great info. I have eTickets for July, 2006, and am looking forward to seeing the show. My husband could care less, so they will probably pick him. I am looking for a tee-shirt that will “stand out” from the crowd. If anyone else has more tips to offer, please share!!

    Thanks again for the info on this blog!!


    caryn 06.02.2006 @ 11:11

    Hi.. I am currently in production of a documentary about people who have been on The Price Is Right. We will be filming more interviews this summer, so please contact me if you have been on the show. If you know someone else that has, please pass my email on to them. Thanks! TPIRdocumentary@aol.com

    Jon 08.05.2006 @ 00:19


    I’m planning my trip to TPIR, and I’m gonna be leaving LA on the same day as the 1:15 taping that I hope to attend. When does the taping end, approximately? Since I need to decide what time I should fly out.

    Michelle Colwell 11.14.2006 @ 13:13

    The price is right is totally worth attending once in your lifetime. My sister and I arrived at 4:30 and were number 80 on Monday, and number 40 on Tuesday. It was a day of being lined up but we met some really nice people along the way. The only thing that I didnt like is that you have to fit a diversity selection. A black, a hispanic, chipper thin blonde, or military. If you are not the above, you really have no chance. I guess that’s what makes the entertainment business what it is. A trip worth doing once in your life before Bob retires!

    Natalie 11.28.2006 @ 23:21

    Thanks for all your info. It appears like it will be really helpful. I am going. I’m not sure when but I’m going. I’ve been watching Bob Barker since I was 7 and well, I’m 42. I got a voucher for tickets from CBS in 1982 when I was in college – I still have it, just wasn’t ever able to go. (I doesn’t have an expiration date on it or taping schedule/times/days but it’s good for 6 or 8 tickets – I wonder if it’s still valid) Now that Bob is retiring I feel like I’ll never be able to forgive myself if I don’t go. My husband says I’m crazy. Question, do they let children in the studio? I’d like to bring my 7 year old daughter. Also, do you know the names of any of the tour groups that pre-book the show so I can look into those options? Thanks for your great posting site. I’ll let you know what happens! I am a petite perky blonde so I’m glad to know that might help my odds!

    Laura 12.06.2006 @ 08:30

    Thanks for the details, your page was so helpful! I have tickets for this coming monday, tuesday, and wednesday, and I was just wondering what kind of questions they ask you in the interview, or if you just have to show them how loud you can yell and high you can jump?

    MDA 12.06.2006 @ 11:42

    They talk to you for just a few seconds and ask you pretty genereric questions: where you are from, what you do, and so forth.

    I think they’re looking for enthusiasm and personality.

    Michelle Colwell 12.06.2006 @ 12:02

    When we went in Nov there were two questions…where are you from & what do you do…you have 5 seconds to wow them. Good luck Natalie I hope you get on there and win big!

    Chris 12.09.2006 @ 21:48

    I have tickets for the show this coming up wednesday and It has been my dream my entire life to go to the show, hopefully I will be able to get the attention of the interviewers in my few seconds!

    Allison 01.02.2007 @ 23:54

    hey i’m planning on attending in march before bob retires…can anyone tell me how much each ticket costs?

    angie 01.05.2007 @ 16:18

    I am going next week and am Soooooo excited!!

    Shelley 01.08.2007 @ 21:44

    Does anyone know how people may be able to get with a large group that is attending the show the first week in March ’07.

    Angie from 18 above... 01.13.2007 @ 14:01

    I heard Angela, COME ON DOWN! YOU’RE THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT! I went to the Thurs, Jan 11 2007 taping. This was the most exciting time in my life!! If you are thinking of going, book your flight now!!!!! We arrived at 4am the first morning, and were #189-90 in line. Do not wait til the AM. Later that same night we arrived for the next day’s taping. We got there at 8:30 PM and were #37-38 in line. This also made us contestants #37 and 38 by coincidence. The number may change. Do not arrive past 9pm if you want to be in the audience. Have fun!!

    B 01.15.2007 @ 18:16

    I am suppose to go to a taping this week. I want to just get in to the audience for sure – a lifelong dream for me! How early are people really going? Is there a way to find out how many groups are scheduled for a given day? Would the CBS ticket office tell me that if I call? What’s the latest I could go get in line to still ensure getting in? Like 2:00 or 3:00 am or earlier? Or are people camping out all night? Also, can anyone tell me anything about the parking and the walk from the garage in the late hours up to CBS? Is it safe? And standing out there all night? Is there CBS security or anything there all night? I’m going alone, and I’m not familiar w/ the area, thus I am a little apprehensive. Any comments or tips or responses from people who have been there recently? Thanks!

    Lindsey and Hemi 01.15.2007 @ 21:09

    Let me get this right, to gureentee getting in the audience we should line up the night before the show?
    Or would that mostly be during school break times?
    My Wife and i plan on going on Feb 1st for the 2:30 showing, can anyone suggest our time we should arrive to line up?

    Lindsey and Hemi 01.15.2007 @ 21:18

    Okay i just noticed #20, wow thats a long to wait, 8:30 to wait in line, but if thats what it takes, i guess.

    Gerald 01.17.2007 @ 13:44

    Wow, we are going in Febuary and had no idea we needed to sit in line all night. Are there stores/restrooms near by? Are they setup to handle people waiting all night?

    Lori 01.23.2007 @ 07:51

    I have read everyone’s questions, and mine are the same. We are flying in for 4 tapings….2 on monday, one tuesday and one wednesday…..what time should we line up? What is the MOSt important thing we need to know or do??? Thanks!

    Angie from #20 above 01.26.2007 @ 10:18

    Please read #20 carefully!!! I just went on Jan 11, 2007. Don not arrive past 9 or 10 pm for the next day’s taping. Again, we arrived at 8:30pm wednesday for thursday’s taping at 2:30pm. By the time taping approached we had been up for 33 hours. For Lori #25, take your makeup with you and put it on in the restroom before the show. Get food the night before and eat snacks all night long. Take a blanket. you can rent chairs before 9pm-ish from the bagel shop across the street. Do this for sure. I am pretty sure you won’t get into both tapings Monday, only one of them. However, arrive soon enough to be in show #1 b/c everyone stands in line together for both shows. The line will grow to over 500 people. Have so much fun!!! I want to go back before June. Park at the Grove Garage. There’s some good eating adjacent. Bathroom at the gas station is on/around the corner. Don’t drink much in line. Good luck and wear a fun shirt!! Gerald, bagel shop opens at 3-3:30 am. Watch for me on Feb 20, 2007 as I will be Called On Down!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaa!

    ken lamb 01.27.2007 @ 16:50

    I will be going to tpir tuesday the 30th.
    if I get in line at midnight can I save a spot in line for my girlfriend who would arive at 5an? how do people genneraly feel about holding a spot in line??

    Kelly 01.30.2007 @ 23:15

    Me, my cousin and my two aunts are going to LA March 4-8. We have tickets for the Wed. taping… We are all very excited!!! I have taken down all your advice and I am sharing it with them…. Best of luck to you all…

    ken lamb 02.01.2007 @ 23:40

    went to the price is right on Tuesday what a blast I got in line at 6 pm me and my girlfriend were 10th and 11th in line It was a blast the 12 hours in line went by in a flash made great friend but i lost the email list we passed around dang …if any of you read this email me…
    the show taping went by in what seemed like a second.
    Bob was great.
    I loved my stay.
    the Guest house motel was around the corner the only room available was a smoking room and was awful we didn’t want to be in it at all witch made standing in line all night an option to my girlfriend the next night we got a no smoking room and it was very comfortable.
    the bagel shop across the street was pretty awful but an interesting experience though the bagels were ok I got one bagel two cups of coffee an apple strudel that turned out to be few days old and a cinnamon twist even older I think came to over $17 the next day I went to the bagel shop around the corner on Beverly street and got two great bagels and two cups of coffee for just over $5 we got two nice chairs to sit in at a thrift store just down Fairfax street for $7 I don’t know what happened to them I thing CBS cleans up all the garbage left by the line instantly..
    We went to universal studios on metro was easy and cheap but we used the internet to figure it out we would not have been able to do by reading the signs.
    Defiantly eat at the Farmers market huge choice of food and very affordable and clean too I might add.

    Joe Black 02.03.2007 @ 17:27

    Hi, I’m not sure if anyone here could help me but i’ll try. I am looking to obtain a copy of the price is right show that aired in 2006. Do you know how i can get it or find a place to view it? If theres any way someone can help i’d greatly appreciate it.

    Please e-mail me at joeblack2007@gmail.com, if you can help or have any advice.

    Thanks in advance

    Anonymous 02.06.2007 @ 22:18

    U guys that got their at 8:30pm on wed. for thur. 2:30pm show are sooo stupid. What were u thinking? U can get there at 5:00-6am on tues. for tues 2:30pm show, and get in no problem. There are so many idiots, and unkool people at the audience it was a disgrace 2 myself that I went. 90% of the people that show up at that show are thee biggest losers/geeks/nerds the earth has 2 offer.

    Chris 02.08.2007 @ 23:10

    Thanks for the info! My SO and I are going to LA on Feb. 27 and will attempt the Feb. 28 and Mar. 1 shows. Sounds like getting in the audience will be a great adventure :-)

    ken lamb 02.09.2007 @ 21:34

    I met some great people while waiting in line from 6 pm to 6 am but lost the email list anyone who has that list contact me it was the January 30th show to air on march 1st

    amber 02.13.2007 @ 11:01

    I am trying to get a group together, to avoid the dreaded “line”. Need like 20 people. We are going in May, the 29 or 30th. (tues & wed). This is Memorial week. If anyone is interested in forming a group, e-mail me. Only a few more mo’s till Bob retires!!

    amber 02.13.2007 @ 11:02

    e-mail address is amberway00@yahoo.com for the group above!!

    Nancy 02.14.2007 @ 11:22

    I will be there for the Feb 26 2:30 taping. I will
    be with my parents that are in there 80’s is this a big mistake as they long dreamed of attending before they pass away (as they put it). I am 43 years old and have severe chronic back pain, can I sit in line and hold there place? Are we able to leave for the bathrooms/food etc.. and come back to our place in line. Also, did anyone see any eldery people with wheelchairs or walkers?
    what happens to the camp chairs or wheelchairs that we had in line when entering the show?
    Much concerned?

    ken lamb 02.14.2007 @ 14:04

    The people I was in line with where fine with people holding the line for other people qas long as they new and someone stayed in line.
    I would sugest get in line with your parents and introduce them to your line mates then let them go to the room and be back befor 6 am
    they give you a ticket that holds your place in line you then have a little over an hour to go to your room and get ready and take your chairs home if you leave them they disapear i think cbs comes out and cleans up the line and disposes of all the chairs.

    then of course you have a day long prcess from after that.
    any other questions feel free to email me

    adrienne 02.15.2007 @ 16:23

    im going to the price is right in march.. ON MY BIRTHDAY! its going to be a monday, so we’ll be there bright and early.. is there anyone else going on march 5th? is it true that people have better chances of getting on if its their birthday? my dream is to give bob a kiss..

    Sue 02.16.2007 @ 15:21

    I am going on March 5th too. I will be getting there bright in early. First time going. What time did you plan on arriving? I have been going by the posts here.

    Sue 02.16.2007 @ 15:22

    Adrienne – can I email you?

    Joe 02.18.2007 @ 11:00

    Do they give you a locker to put your cell phones in and personal belongings?

    Jane 02.18.2007 @ 11:47

    My daughter turns 18 on April 18th. We and our cherished family friend Debbie have tickets to TPIR. How does one get hooked up with a group so as to avoid standing in line? If anyone reads this and wants to get a group together, email me!

    ken lamb 02.19.2007 @ 00:07

    Joe they will take your cameras and cell phones like a hat check but they don’t want you bringing much else no back packs or other items.
    Jane to get in with a group you need to get the group tickets and they require a list of names when you order the group tickets

    adrienne 02.20.2007 @ 15:23

    sue –
    yea, you sure can.. adv11@pitt.edu

    Gayle 02.23.2007 @ 11:41

    Can we bring a bunch of stuff, chairs, blankets, radio,etc for the line the night before and then take it to our car right before they come out with priority tickets? Does that seem possible?

    Thanks for the help!

    ken lamb 02.24.2007 @ 13:25

    yes you can in fact you can park at the bank accross the street untill morning, ( i guess u can pay and park somewhere near after morning,

    Jayne 03.01.2007 @ 16:22

    Three of my friends and I from APU will be going to the March 7th taping of The Price is Right. We are reading all the responses and thinking we should be there by 6 or 8 for the 2:30 taping. Is this correct? It’s a Wednesday taping and so we were wondering if we wouldn’t have to be there that early or what? Also, I was wondering if anyone was going to that same taping.

    I can be reached at mcdj88@apu.edu.

    Meg 03.01.2007 @ 20:47

    It is my dream to watch TPIR taping. I was there last Feb. 25th hoping to watch the Feb. 26th taping. I didn’t get in because I didn’t know that I should be in line the night before. Should I have known, I will do it. The Inn that we got was walking distance. I am coming back on April, be on line a lot earlier on Sunday to be able to watch the 1:15 Monday taping. I should have read this before. Oh well…

    I will be flying again from Chicago… It is a dream that I wish to fulfill. Hope everything works out this April.

    Angie (former TPIR contestant) 03.02.2007 @ 10:59

    People, You need to be there the day BEFORE taping @ 6 or 8 PM!!!!! Read posting #20 and #26 carefully. This is in clear English for all who continue to have questions. Get it right……so you, too, can COME ON DOWN!!!!!

    lori 03.04.2007 @ 15:31

    We have mailed off for the april 2-4 tapings but we have not gotten anything in the mail yet.when can we expect tickets ?we tried online but it said onlline had was allocated.


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