

Moonshine Party

Filed under: shenaniganity @ 17:32

So I guess there’s an undergrad party tonight: Moonshine. Anybody interested in going? And if people do go, does anybody know if we’ll be disappointed as we were at the last Dabney party?

Me: “Where’s the bar?”
Undergrad dude: “There is no bar.”
Me: “…”
Me: “Where’s the bar?”
Undergrad dude: “There is no bar.”
Me (in my head): “It is only your mind that drinks.”
Me (out loud): “Perhaps I’m not making myself clear, or perhaps, being under the age of twenty-one, you are unfamiliar with the ‘bar’ concept. I am interested in obtaining alcoholic potables in some quantity. Whence might such libations be procured?”
Undergrad dude (out loud): “?”
Undergrad dude (in his head): “Jackass grad students. I can’t believe we always have to ask for funding from the GSC.”
Me: “?”
Undergrad dude: “…”
Me: “Peace.”


    xaosseed 05.21.2005 @ 19:04

    How do you get undergrads to join societies when a big free piss up isn’t part of the sign-on package?

    MDA 05.21.2005 @ 21:04

    Undregrad parties are actually quite a spectacle round these parts. Try to get Dixie to tell you about them if she’s got a minute this week.

    But to answer your actual question, the party in question was the Dabney “Drop Day” party. Drop Day is the last day students can drop classes, but the party of the same name (and same day) makes use of a bit of double-entendre. Historically (I can make no claims about current practices), the Drop Day soiree was an party based on “Alternative Recreation”. I do not me “Abstention” when I say “Alternative”. Dropping acid was, apparently, the theme of the evening.

    Holly 05.24.2005 @ 12:41

    They should name a Cal Tech party: Diquid Lick Shoap. ROCK ON!

    MDA 05.24.2005 @ 14:04

    Haha. It’d be right up your alley ;)

    MDA 05.24.2005 @ 14:09

    As an late update, Holly, Kristen, Wolfe, Jeff and I rolled into the party and were met with a distinct lack of a bar. A couple cool and very welcoming undergrads took us in, though, and aimed to please. One of them may or may not have been a student of mine.

    Though identically zero hip hop was played, we all managed to have a good time shaking our respective (and otherwise) thangs and just chillin’ on the swings.

    jjk 05.24.2005 @ 14:34

    One minor correction: I believe we were “just chillin’ on the swangs”.

    MDA 05.24.2005 @ 16:00

    Indeed. How careless of me. My apologies and thanks.

    Paul.za 05.30.2005 @ 12:03

    Ah, zero hip-hip, and I missed it … how tragic … well, there’s always next year.

    jjk 05.30.2005 @ 15:01

    Paul, don’t worry about it, man. Out of all of the parties I’ve been to, I’ve never heard any hip-hip. So, the chances of us stumbling across another party without hip-hip are pretty good.

    Unless of course you’re also avoiding a hooray following the hip-hip. You may come across that more often than the plain ole hip-hip.

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