

A Picnic fit for a (Par)King

Filed under: a group of folks,neat! @ 20:50

Ever had a picnic in a parking garage? Didn’t think so. Neither had I until today when, after much delay, Caltech’s new underground parking structure was officially opened. To celebrate, the president, a trustee or two, and staff person who was actually involved in the construction project cut the ribbon and led all three hundred plus of us down in to the depths to eat free hot dogs and hamburgers (vegetarian options available).

It was really kind of neat. All the food was cooked just ouside the garage and served just inside. There were picnic tables set up deeper in, and people were happily chatting and eating where tomorrow there will be seven hundred cars parked. The folks in charge encouraged people to look around and scope out the scene; many people did.

The food was good (as in free as in beer) and the structure looked pretty cool (as far as parking garages go). I imagine the only people sorry to see it open are those like Dixie. Tough luck, girl. No more free cash for you.


    Adam 05.17.2005 @ 00:59

    You know, if they had finished the damn thing on schedule, they could’ve had the picnic up on the playing field. But no… the playing field is only a year behind schedule. What? Me? Bitter? No, really, I don’t mind fighting with soccer players and other frisbee teams over a lopsided, small field that is full of holes. Really, I don’t mind AT ALL… *grumble*

    Chris Hansen 05.19.2005 @ 15:26

    Believe it or not, I have had a picnic in a parking garage. Bottom level even.

    I was working for the summer as a garage attendant (collecting fees) and the person in the booth across from me was a … bit of a maverick. He decided to bring a small smoker in one afternoon and cook us up some ribs. We were underground at the bottom of the ramp so the smoke/fumes/aroma collected a bit before it made its way out. After a while, almost every car was asking what the new restaurant was and where since the aroma was so delicious.

    Smelled wonderful, even over the exhaust fumes.

    Tasted only okay though, since the twit put barbeque sauce on while they were cooking and burned them. Still, I didn’t buy the meat so I wasn’t complaining much.

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