

A cry for help

Filed under: news @ 14:50

For those of you who use my rss feeds, I have a question. For those of you who don’t (why not?), just ignore me.

I think my feeds might be broken, but in a subtle way (for the curious, I think they’re sending out 304s when they shouldn’t). If you use either my post feed or my comments feed, can you tell me what feed reader you use (Sage, NetNewsWire, Firefox‘s live bookmarks…) and whether or not the feeds have been getting updated corectly when new posts or comments get submitted?

Thanks. (This is what you get when you use alpha version software. Bleeding edge, baby!)


    Laurel 04.26.2005 @ 20:04

    So… I can’t ever read the phrase “a cry for help” without thinking of this exchange from the Tom Stoppard play Jumpers:

    [Setting: Two men are talking, and a woman is heard to scream “help” offstage]

    Archie: It’s all right-–just exhibitionism; what we psychiatrists call “a cry for help.’

    Bones: But it was a cry for help.

    Archie: Perhaps I’m not making myself clear. All exhibitionism is a cry for help, but a cry for help as such is only exhibitionism.

    HH 04.28.2005 @ 09:54

    Hey I’ve got an idea. How about you actually post a new story so that we can check if your feed works? This aint rocket science…

    MDA 04.28.2005 @ 10:07

    Boo freakin’ who. Cry my a river. :)

    Adam 04.28.2005 @ 13:11

    I agree, the blogging pace has certainly slowed down for you and Paul. What gives?

    MDA 04.28.2005 @ 14:53

    I haven’t had much to say.

    HH 04.29.2005 @ 05:43

    Congratulations, all your feeds are working. Now I can delete them.

    Paul.za 05.02.2005 @ 19:51

    My experience with Sage is that your feeds are, uh, feeding fine — except that the comments feed is providing multiple copies for each comment. It’s a little too much deva-ju for my tastes.

    MDA 05.02.2005 @ 20:41

    Woah. What the hell. *pokes about*

    Fixed (thanks to your tutoring).

    Much appreciated, Paul.za.

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