Holly got me to join It’s… not evil. I was really impressed. A nice change from Friendster, which is truly awful (slow, ugly, bloated beast that it is). It’s an interesting idea, but, man, Friendster did not pull it off well. orkut is pretty nice, but, sadly, I never really put any effort into it and then, one day, everyone seemed to be using Friendster (Oh, Sarah, why?).
But back to bebo. Both Friendster and orkut are about connections. Bebo is much simpler; it’s an address book first and foremost with a journal and a photo archive as secondary features. The idea is that you shouldn’t have to send out mass emails when you update your contact information (and shouldn’t have to deal with mass emails when someone else does). Everybody’s info is stored centrally and, as long as people keep their own information updated, is always up to date. It’s a nice idea, and it’s implemented really cleanly. Their privacy policy even seems pretty good.
Pretty slick. You should check it out.
MDA: I’ve read your original article three times, and read all the comments twice. I cannot for the life of me figure out why so many people seem to believe you can provide tech support for bebo, other blogs or college websites. What’s the deal? Is there some subliminal stuff my polarized sunglasses are filtering out, or is this just another manifestation of “Allen’s Law”?
guys view my bebo profile please thanks!!
MDA: Your description tonight really didn’t do justice to how clueless some of these people are. I’m absolutely shocked.
this is so crap college has blocked it again has anyone got a way to get to bebo without actually getting blocked!!!!!
HAA: The latter.
hiya ppl wats up hola bck 4 a chat
hi have you got a pic and can you give me your email address
Hello MDA,
I’ve just read all the comments, which are in turns interesting, amusing and i would imagine frustrating for you. I came across your site after googling bebo, which i’d never heard of this before this morning. I wonder is that why so many others have confused your blog with the bebo site?
college blocked bebo any 1 got any ways to get around it
does anyone no any codes for bebo???
y do schools block bebo its great
they blocked bebo from our school how can i get on it without the website being blocked and tagged
do you no any way of getting on to bebo without using the actual website my college has blocked it
how do we get things for bebo?
Like they have for .Thats not fair to people that dont want to use myspace.
All of you are some dumb asses for putting your information on this website
same question as every1 else: hot to get on it without it being filtered!!! i remeber seeing on someones profile how ther was this code that you typed in instead of the address, an ip adress perhaps, that works. but now im at school and cant get onto bebo to see!!!
Helo sarah f im not on bimbo
I’d have to disagree with you there…you’re definitely on bimbo.
yea bebo was blocked on our thingy too and myspace
heeeeee josie says: hello ( in scary voice and thea says: come back urrrrrrrrrrrrrr ( crazily) thea is mad byeee chums!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS – thea she is winning at her revision heee xxxbyeeeeesss
gothcha – thea again
Don’t worry alwaysrightembly, the men and women in white coats will be there soon.
wtf is this
haya all!! ne1 ea am boooooooord!!! xxx munkys xxx
dnt work in my skull either!!!ragin lik!!!!bt what cn ye dooo!!!!!
Howz al,ny so bored!!!!!!(,”) xxxxxx
iv got it try this
type in in the adress bar if it doesnt work got to tools internet options connections then turn the proxy server off. (Ull understand when u get there)
I hate to encourage you people, but get to from school.
i eat salmon
Shame on you gv! Shame! I can’t believe you’re actually providing the information that all of these misguided people are after!
alll you guys r GAY…ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahah burnnnnnnnn yeah thats right……
yosuck hehehehehehehheeh
go on and then u can go on bebo or and thgen type in bebo on dat website and u can go on it !!!
Good grief! And these people are the future of our world???
Cool Page
Now, if the ability to sign on to were necessary for human survival, I think we would have identified a very potent natural selector, here. In the absence of such a requirement–yes, these people are to be the future of our world.
Ed. Wow. That’s probably the second most intelligent comment that’s been made on this post, after GV’s comment that actually addresses these people’s issues.
hi huni’s
man they trippin hard they need to quiet ya heard me
why they blocking it off on schools its tight they trippen
wats all dis bout
How can you get onto bebo our school has blocked it.
you can try then type in bebo but oiur school blocked it.
HELP ME!!!!!!!!1
this si so gay i need a website that can unblok fukin bebo i kno tehres a website shit yallr smart right gimme one…..well most of all i need sumthign for mozilla that the program well u kno what p[rogram it is help me pleeze!!!!!
~*~Lil MizzFr3sh~*~
To access from school/work/country were censorship is active visit
This is gay,in computers bored and i cant get on bebo :(:(
whats a blog because i dont know cos i just got bebo! and how do you get video’s up in your jukebox thingy!???
e-mail me then on bebo and tell me how to get a video up in the jukebox. add me ;
thanks xx
sammie xx