


Filed under: a group of folks,news @ 01:45

Holly got me to join bebo.com. It’s… not evil. I was really impressed. A nice change from Friendster, which is truly awful (slow, ugly, bloated beast that it is). It’s an interesting idea, but, man, Friendster did not pull it off well. orkut is pretty nice, but, sadly, I never really put any effort into it and then, one day, everyone seemed to be using Friendster (Oh, Sarah, why?).

But back to bebo. Both Friendster and orkut are about connections. Bebo is much simpler; it’s an address book first and foremost with a journal and a photo archive as secondary features. The idea is that you shouldn’t have to send out mass emails when you update your contact information (and shouldn’t have to deal with mass emails when someone else does). Everybody’s info is stored centrally and, as long as people keep their own information updated, is always up to date. It’s a nice idea, and it’s implemented really cleanly. Their privacy policy even seems pretty good.

Pretty slick. You should check it out.


    holly 02.14.2005 @ 22:03

    see now you’re a winner and a joiner! welcome to the cool club, dude

    MDA 02.15.2005 @ 00:20

    I’m so honored. :)

    adam 02.16.2005 @ 22:59

    There’s yet another of the contact things that I’m a part of:

    It’s similar to and better than Friendster.

    adam 02.16.2005 @ 23:00

    By the way, it says that I can use the html tag for links, but it doesn’t seem to work like I think it should. Why is that?

    Anyway, the link should be for http://www.thefacebook.com

    adam 02.16.2005 @ 23:00

    Ahh… so that’s how it works… no tags whatsoever

    MDA 02.16.2005 @ 23:05

    Tags should work. You need to put in the http://

    MDA 02.16.2005 @ 23:09

    thefacebook seems to limit you to connecting only to people from your own school?

    adam 02.18.2005 @ 13:50

    Nope, no limitations. You can do global searches. It’s kind of funky because each school has its own domain space, but you can search and connect to all of the schools. Like all such sites, you can’t search until you’ve registered, but if you *do* register, just go to the “global” link at the top of the page, select the school you want to search at, or do a truly global search.

    claire 02.23.2005 @ 06:30

    I thought it looked a bit scary, espcially when you read this clause:

    “Acquisition. It is possible that as we continue to develop our website and our business, Bebo’s service and/or related assets might be acquired. Notwithstanding any provision in this policy to the contrary, in event of a merger or acquisition, your personal information may be transferred to the acquiring entity, and become subject to the acquirer’s data practices.”

    I say “No” to Bebo!

    fearbebo 02.23.2005 @ 15:42

    reading your comments, have noticed that this is an easy way to pass information of who what where + pictures of schoolkids (you all mention schools as networks), whereas to say where your details could end up and who might tap in, any database such as this is readily hackable by peads, in this current climate, should you not be a tad careful, with “personal information”

    MDA 02.23.2005 @ 17:52

    clair: No service agreement can guarantee the future. It’s just not possible; it’d be a violation of causality. Find me a TOS or EULA or privacy policy that can guarantee it will never change. And I don’t mean, “We’re open source, nice people and we promise we will always do such and such.” I mean something legally binding. Once you find that, I’ll still be right, since the laws themselves can change.

    If I give a friend of mine my phone number, she can give it to whomever she pleases; I can’t stop her. It’s the exact same thing with companies. You have to make a decision each time you’re faced with the situation; you can’t decide unilaterally. Sayin “No” to bebo because neither you nor they can predict the future is a something like saying “No” to anyone who ever asks for your phone number because you’re can never know for sure what he or she will do with it. Not that there aren’t good reasons for saying “No” to bebo.

    paranoid: I don’t know where “schoolkids” came from. To me, that means minors (but could certainly mean something else to someone else). The comments above were ambiguous, but we were talking about universities. Regardless, of course, you should always be “a tad careful, with ‘personal information'”. But people can look up your address at the library, and they can take pictures of you on the street. At least what you put on a site like bebo is controlled by you.

    I don’t even use the thing. I just think it’s a clever idea and seems pretty well implemented.

    sarah 02.27.2005 @ 12:26

    Shaggy- I’m sorry to get you involved in friendster. I’m not looking to get much use out of friendster except for stalking purposes.

    MDA 02.27.2005 @ 13:32

    No worries Sarah. I was just poking fun. :)

    How’s things?

    sarah 03.04.2005 @ 17:50

    Things are good, but very busy. I got a job! I just finished my 4th week teaching high school chemistry!

    MDA 03.04.2005 @ 18:05

    Woah! *dials phone number*

    sarah 03.04.2005 @ 18:21

    I was so caught up talking about myself, i forgot to ask how you were. I suck and am incredibly rude! Nice talking to you briefly. We need to catch up sometime. Miss you tons. Come back to rochester even if we don’t get invited to playboy parties

    MDA 03.04.2005 @ 18:34

    Eh – you’re news is more interesting than mine :) The only thing of note is that I gave group meeting yesterday. That and the whole Playboy thing.

    Miss you too.

    [Happy Birthday Anant!]

    Anne 03.12.2005 @ 04:59

    I thank everyone for their input about BEBO. I was curious if I did the right thing by signing up. You are right! You do have control over what you want to appear. However just the same it’s a scary world of unknowns and stolen identity.
    What to do? Live in a hole???

    MDA 03.12.2005 @ 12:49

    Living in a hole is not a bad option, but a tricky one to pull off; certain amenities like central heating, bathrooms, easy interaction with the rest of society, …eating, and others become a little harder.

    But still, homelessness and hermetic asceticism are time honored traditions and should not without thought be disregarded as available options.

    bebo 05.11.2005 @ 07:23

    my nickname has been bebo for over 17 years

    Anonymous 01.05.2006 @ 05:44

    do u no any ofa websites similar 2 bebo
    cos in r school dey hv bloked bebo

    Paul.za 01.10.2006 @ 17:42

    Maybe that’s because at your school they think people need to be spending more time studying grammar and spelling, and less time on the web?

    lois 01.19.2006 @ 01:03

    my college has just recently blocked bebo
    i was tld there was a back door into the site but i cant find it
    does ne 1 have ne ideas

    Paul.za 01.19.2006 @ 11:47

    Oh, the irony is killing me…

    jjk 01.19.2006 @ 12:55

    Priceless. Undoubtedly, unequivocally…priceless.

    rose carroll-harvey 02.10.2006 @ 11:25

    where is marisia carroll-schmidt? I logged in once and found her questions, photos, etc but I cannot seem to get this again?? Password? Nothing clicks? Help from Bebo, please. rc8448@hotmail.com or message @ 773-509-6438.

    MDA 02.13.2006 @ 00:42

    If you’re looking for help from bebo, you might try… bebo. Crazy idea, I know.

    Alternatively, you could try not stalking this person. Perhaps she cannot be found because she wishes not to be.

    katie 02.15.2006 @ 06:34


    Anonymous 02.19.2006 @ 17:02


    evie 02.27.2006 @ 02:35

    hiya rosie fanks 4 tellin me bout dis

    annette 02.28.2006 @ 16:07

    would like to join. am impressed.

    annette 02.28.2006 @ 16:08

    did enjoy reading all messages…would lik to join

    annette 02.28.2006 @ 16:10

    may i join please

    annette 02.28.2006 @ 16:11

    would love to join

    MDA 03.01.2006 @ 11:05

    Join what?

    islangurl foa 3va 03.01.2006 @ 11:32

    well what i think about bebo is that its an amazing wae to get to contact your friends or family over the other side of the world. i live in canada and i left aussie in 2004 and i still live in canada. my friend here in canada invited me to go and join bebo and so i did and there i found mah frends that i left in aussie. so i dont knoe why sum of u guys are hatin against bebo. that is bull ***** and thats the fact bout u’s!! anywaez i gotta cruze! lataz islandgurl

    rose carroll-harvey 03.04.2006 @ 10:50

    cannot log into my email?

    MDA 03.07.2006 @ 11:38

    Why do you expect to be able to log into your email from my personal site?

    fuck yall 03.08.2006 @ 05:24

    muppets ur all gay

    bebo ur gay 03.08.2006 @ 05:26


    hayley 03.08.2006 @ 05:29


    honey 03.08.2006 @ 08:20

    my skool has blockd bebo! how the hell do i get into it? i no a site dat goes onto sites do: http://www.google.com/gwt/n it goes on2 the bebo homepage but dusnt sign u in. nd all dose proxy sites dont work nymore. ny1 got ny more websites dat work?

    lulu 03.09.2006 @ 04:57

    hello!!!! is der any friends out der????

    im gay 03.09.2006 @ 04:58

    i want to come out but i dont no how to say it!!

    mrs.piggy 03.09.2006 @ 06:23

    What up? Who is i talking to?

    jjk 03.09.2006 @ 09:10

    Pure insanity.

    Your blog is like a magnet for the crazies, MDA. How does that happen?

    MDA 03.09.2006 @ 10:29

    I have no idea what has happened here.

    NiCoLlE 03.10.2006 @ 06:37

    omg my scool has blocvked bebo how gay any 1 her got msn

    marc 03.10.2006 @ 07:50

    i think librarys and schools should let you on to bebo.com

    if you have any numbers to get on to bebo.com contact me



    dinny 03.13.2006 @ 06:41

    college has blocked Bebo help!! need access!!

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