

Marc Broussard

Filed under: music @ 20:48

A few weeks ago, Marc Broussard’s “Come Around” was featured as iTunes’ free download of the week. It’s pretty kickin’. A good back-beat funk sound to it. I’ve listened to it a bit these past few days, so I decided it was finally time to check out some of his other stuff.


I don’t know what he’s trying to pull with these smooth R&B/Southern/White Boy College Rock tracks. His single is some pappy crap in the vein of John Mayer, and the rest of his songs are even worse. Worse except for “Home”: a decent Blues Rythm piece with a hint of anger-release-Rock (no – I did not say fusion – get that fleeting thought out of your head right now).

Now, iTunes did not have his debut album (Momentary Setback), which was apparently good enough to tour with some pretty big names (DMB, Willie Nelson, Tori Amos, Robert Randolph, O.A.R., Martin Sexton, moe., Bob Schneider, Maroon5, to name a few referenced by his website). Perhaps it’s better than his follow-up album. But going on what I’ve heard, it’s hard to understand. The style that seems to be more or less his bread and butter is pulled off with such… is there a better word than “blah” for the boredom and distain I feel when listening to his songs?… that it’s sort of shocking these couple of other songs are as good as they are.

And man, does he ever look like douche-bag.


    Marc Broussard 10.15.2004 @ 22:23

    Hi, this is Marc and I spend my time scanning blogs to see if anyone writes about me. How dare you impugn my sound! My stuff is really…fresh and…the bomb.

    Somebody different 10.15.2004 @ 22:26

    Yeah, I hate to tell you Marc, but this guy nailed your sound exactly. Though I can’t believe he used the word fusion to describe your music. Describing something as fusion is just lazy.

    M.A.P 05.13.2005 @ 22:13

    I am reading this wondering if it real or not. Did you really use the word douche-bag as a link to his web-site?? What is this all about? If Marc Broussard really responded, i think that is hysterical. However, the review is just mean-spirited and untrue. I actually am in college and have heard tons and tons of crappy college guys with bands who think they are hot, and I got much different vibe from this guy. GO MARC!

    Beeze 07.01.2005 @ 18:13

    His music doesn’t sound like everybody’s elses! He must be stopped. Quick beat him with a stick and chase him out of town! Thank god..now we can get back to our Top 40 KISS FM music.

    just me 11.19.2006 @ 17:35

    obviously people are obsessed with bubble gum pop and think jessica simpson is a great voice? why because she is hot? I personally enjoy listening to Marc’s music and I am a college student and his professionalism is far beyond college crap and his talent is as well. It’s fine if you don’t appreciate good music but his music is something you have to get into. Everyone has their own style while people like old style music such as blues, funk, and rock many like rap and bubble gum pop. Having someone make you or your group goes to show who real musicians are.

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