AJAX Comment Preview
Get the plugin from the Ajax Comment Preview page in the WordPress.org plugins directory.
The newest version of this plugin (version 2.1) is compatible with WordPress 2.6 and higher only. Users of WordPress 2.0.x should use the older version 1.0.1 (which is unsupported and probably broken).
For more information, see the Ajax Comment Preview FAQ in the WordPress.org plugins directory.
To use this plugin, all files from the zip file you download must be in your wp-content/plugins/
directory. If you choose to place them in a subdirectory, all files must be in the same directory.
Activate the plugin from your WordPress site’s Plugins admin page.
Edit the plugin’s options from your Options -> AJAX Comment Preview admin page in order to specify the formatting of the preview. This will depend on your particular theme. The default format works for WordPress’ default Kubrick theme.
Note: You may need to tweak your theme’s CSS to get the preview to look exactly like a normal comment.
I get a number of comments on this post testing the system. A little odd, since it seems to me people should be testing the preview functionality (which is new) not the comment posting functionality (which is the same old WordPress standard stuff). Anyway, that’s cool. Go ahead. But please do me a favor; don’t just thow up some lame “testing” comment. Try sending over a poem or maybe something from the Farmer’s Almanac. Tell me your favorite book/artist/music. Don’t suck; try to be creative.
The History
My original post.
- Fixes an JavaScript issue in Internet Explorer reported by Eric
- Full gravatar/avatar support
- Moved to jQuery
- WordPress 2.7 support
- Should have fixed any character endcoding issues
- Should now work on pages served as XML
- Fully internationalized dates
- Fixed some JS errors (Mark Jaquith)
- %email_hash% available for gravatars
- Readme file with configuration instructions
- Fix double offset in dates (Mark Jaquith)
hi – this isn’t working for me in Firefox.
works fine in IE and is GREAT!
but for some reason it doesn’t work at all in Firefox… anyone else have this problem?
works here on this site in FF but not in our site… what am i doing wrong?
Great plugin – best one I’ve seen for comment preview. I use it on both of my blogs (personal and professional). However I just saw 2.0 show up on wordpress.org and it doesn’t seem to work. Started investigating but didn’t figure it out yet – I’ll let you know if I have time to figure out why it broke for my blog. I didn’t see a changelog but from the code it looks like you did some major rewriting… (e.g. jQuery) – any known bugs? Anyone else having problems?
Did you see the FAQ? Anything useful?
Works fine in worpress 2.7
The only question for me is, how can I configure the preview button to get the same appeareance that the “submit comment” one?
You can use the #acp-preview CSS selector.
Hello! Just installed your plugin and it’s working great.
Just have one minor problem: Could you add around Says, so it matches the default comment template in WP 2.7?
Why is there a
version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ message in the preview box with IE 7 and ajax preview plugin v2.0 (I’ve just checked out on this site)???
Version 2.1 should fix this. Thanks!
Probably I run into some obscure problem(?): typing some specific pattern and the whole comment preview will be gone. To test it, one can type these keys in sequence:
[e] [c] [h] [o] [space] [a] [;]
The most important things are “echo” and semicolon. “a” can be replaced by anything. This can be problematic when pasting code snippets in comment.
It’s not a problem with the plugin, it’s a problem with my server.
My host has mod_security installed on my webserver, which is blocking that request. You’ll note that if you try to post a comment with the same text, you get a 412 Precondition Failed error.
So the plugin really is returning the same result back to you when you preview the comment as WordPress would after submitting the comment for real.
Thanks for the plugin, it’s working flawlessly!
Thanks for the plugin…
Umm… the plugin is amazing! and original. I really liked it, and it worked when I used it.
However, when I installed the MCEComments plugin, it stopped working. When I click, it doesn’t preview the comment.
Is there someway to make it compatible with that plugin?
Thanks a lot!
Some conflict or are obsoleted by other suggestions. I’m just trying
to offer alternatives.
Use JavaScript to insert the preview button and #ajax-comment-preview. This wil prevent
it from “not working” if a user doesn’t have JavaScript enabled (or
something goes wrong).
Move the preview button into the that contains the submit
comment button. Either via add_filter() in php or via JS if you use
the above suggestion.
Have an option (as the default) to just use the system default for
the date string instead of specifying it.
Have an option to use the wp_list_comments() default markup. It
should probably also be the default. This way a user won’t have to
update this as things change.
Maybe a “restore default” button for things?
Хороший плагин! Спасибо большое! Искал нечто подобное более 2-х лет и никак не мог найти…
Прикольный плагин, а он и переводит коментарии??
thanks for the plugin! ^^
Damn great plugin!
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Stuff!
thank so much
Great plugin
great plugin!
I am testing your comment pluging right now.
good job! i loved! thanks brother
I was researching a number of comment plugins when I came across this one. I really like the idea of adding the preview function. Thanks.
“It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy.” Hesiod (~800 BC)
Nice plugin! Congratulations! ;)
Just leaving a comment to see whether I can also leave comments without refreshing the page.
What’s the best way to change the way the button itself looks? I want to integrate it more fully with the visual style of my site.
Good functionality, but almost impossible to style.
This thing won’t be viable until it incorporates wp_list_comments.
Further, I don’t see any way to position the Preview button. I want it to the left of my Submit button, but that’s set in the comments form within comments.php.
I hope you’ll update this plugin!
Any plans to make this plugin compatible with WordPress 2.8? Love it and would use it frequently!
Nice Post !
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OK, here goes on the creativity front as per your instruction….have you heard of Rock Dust? It transpires that finely powdered volcanic rock is a very effective organic fertlizer, duplicating natural processes in boosting your soils mineral base. Remineralising the earth is a sure fire means to capture more carbon, and ultimately averting climate change. I hope this gave you some farming perspective, as per your request.
On a more serious note – WordPress ROCKS!
Can’t wait to get this fully implemented in my site. Thanks.
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Now compatible with WP AJAX Edit Comments plugin, which lets you moderate comments posted using AJAX:
This is a really cool plugin and I’ve installed it on a couple of my blogs.
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks ! and happy new Year !
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
한글도 들어갑니다.
where can I fine 2.1
i have problem with ajax comment preview, my jQuery scrollto is not work if i use this
SAme problem to…! please help
I’m the designer :)
Nice preview. This is really looking good and I am using it to one 1 of my blogs
Yet another reason to update your WP blog to a newer version (2.6+)!
It’s really too much trouble to do this; a true “code” tag is needed, one that would do a truly literal block quote, preserving initial space, special characters without interpretation, etc. But the preview at least makes it possible to fine-tune. Had to construct this in an editor for replacing stuff; had to use use ‍ to disconnect the %’s from %content%, etc.
This is a wonderful plugin; should be in the core.
class Ajax_Comment_Preview {
function version() { return '2.0'; }
function init() {
add_option( 'ajax_comment_preview', array('template' => <<<EOM
<ul class='commentlist'>
<li id="comment-preview" class="thread-alt alt depth-1">
<div id="div-comment-preview">
<div class="comment-author vcard">
<cite>%author%</cite> Says:
<div class="comment-meta commentmetadata">
<a title="" href="#comment-preview">%date%</a>
very nice !
Hi thats great
This looks great
some comment