

Damn you Bryan Adams

Filed under: a group of folks,music,slice @ 16:50

I’ve always hated Bryan Adams’ music. “Everything I Do”, “This Side of Paradise”, and (I loathe writing it down) “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman”, suck. I tried to think of a more diplomatic way to put it, or even something a bit more intellectual and substantive. But “sucks” is really the best way to express the way in which I detest his music.

Dixie informed me today that “Summer of ’69” is a Bryan Adams song. Man that’s an awesome song; I always thought it was Bon Jovi.

I honestly don’t know how to move forward in my life knowing what I do now. Bryan Adams, the putrescent archon of pappy crap, wrote “Summer of ’69”, a mid-eighties musical and lyrical work of genius.

My entire world has collapsed.


    Adam Lee 09.18.2008 @ 19:40

    aren’t you going to delete comment #41?

    Arpan 10.06.2008 @ 09:50

    Man, really this is too much. Who the hell suggests that Bryan Adams should be banned or sucks, is a fucking retard. I love each and every song of his. I would like to proclaim myself as his greatest fan.
    I can’t pass a day without his songs. He is such a great artist. And Bon Jovi sings a whole different than Bryan. I could tell a Bryan Adams song from twelve miles away. His songs are just sooooooooo melodious. Anyone should think zillion times before derogating such a great artist.

    Manindar 10.12.2008 @ 00:55

    Anyone who dislikes bryan’s music is simply retarded….i would not go a day without hearing his songs……I have almost 100% of his songs…..been in his concerts twice….again anyone who hates his music doesn’t have any essence of music at all….BRYAN ADAMS U rock dude…your latest album “11” is a masterpiece…love your music!!! Keep Rocking \m/

    Manindar 10.12.2008 @ 00:59

    by the way….I sing almost 99% of his songs….no fan of his comes close to me when it comes to “who’s his biggest fan”….

    PS….I do a decent job with his songs!!

    Trish 10.12.2008 @ 16:30

    I agree with the majority in here, Bryan Adams is the best and puts on a fantastic concert! However as far as fans go, I am his number 1 fan !!! and still trying to make it on stage to sing “when you’re gone” with him…..keeping my fingers crossed when he comes to AZ in Dec.

    zippyhead 12.31.2008 @ 10:00

    if you thought that summer of 69 was Bon Jovi you are a musical moron. end of story.

    christopher wibberley 03.10.2009 @ 10:15

    bryan adams sucks but so does elvis.give me lew stones band anyday

    christopher wibberley 03.10.2009 @ 10:36

    bryanadams has mental problems and theres no point of having singing lessons because hes already cracked all glass objects.

    JM 04.07.2009 @ 23:10

    I don’t Bryan Adam’s music. I would go as far as to say I think it sucks. Many people love him. I’m not a fan though. So many better, more original canadian artists.

    DN 10.22.2009 @ 15:44

    Bryan Adams is a selfish artist, much like many who have there songs removed from youtube.
    guess making a million per performance cannot supply their habits!!!

    christopher wibberley 11.21.2009 @ 15:02

    i like king olivers jazz band

    Marty 06.01.2010 @ 13:01

    Dude he sucks donkey balls….btw a question for his so-called fans on this blog…
    What genre is Adams’ music?

    I’m not even gonna wait for you to answer. Cause if I actually read a comment saying he’s hard rock, I’m gonna barf.

    ruth aufiero 02.15.2011 @ 07:31

    they all saying bad words just like suck becuase your not and i love your music very much and i also be here for youand i wish magic 106.7 to play your song like please forgive me and of course summer of ’69 and heaven and everything i do

    i love you in my wonderful beautiful heart
    ruth aufiero

    John 09.29.2012 @ 05:06

    Are you serious about Summer of ’69? This song is why I hate Bryan Adams the most!!! Haven’t you figured out that in ’69 BA was just 10 years old??? How can one of your band members get married when you’re freaking 10 years old??! Unless I guess you live in West VA or Arkansas… To me more than any of his songs summer of ’69 speaks to how FAKE BA is as an artist.

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