

WordPress plugin: No Self Pings

Filed under: wordpress @ 22:51

Some people really like that WordPress sends pings from your own site to your own site when you write posts; it lets them easily leave a trail of related posts.

Some people do not like this behavior; it clutters up their comments.

So here’s a plugin to disable self pinging. I couldn’t find any prior art, but if you know of any other plugins that do this, please let me know.

Download the plugin, put it in your WordPress plugins directory, activate it via your WordPress admin panel, and you’re set. No configuration necessary.



    […] 19) No Self Pings […]

    Pingback from Mes plugins WordPress | Tutoweb 12.27.2009 @ 20:35

    […] No Self Pings: empêche WordPress de faire un trackback sur les liens internes […]

    Pingback from WordPress Pflicht Plugins 12.29.2009 @ 04:06

    […] euch nicht eure Kommentare mit eigenen Pingbacks. Hier ist das Plugin No Self Pings […]


    […] helps to mitigate spam. And now I install what I consider to be a few core plugins: Contact Form 7, No Self Pings, Subscribe to Comments, WP-reCAPTCHA (the other half of spam prevention) and WP Custom […]

    Sean Supplee 01.18.2010 @ 18:19

    Great plugin for wordpress. Since I backlink within my blogs all the time it was a pain to check the trackbacks and make sure they where not my own. Will be blogging about this plugin soon. Thanks again!

    Bautagebuch 02.10.2010 @ 03:02

    Thx for the great WP Plugin.

    Dean Runcic 03.08.2010 @ 02:28

    I’ve just started a wordpress plugin site called WPautotools and have been searching for some really useful ones to add, I think this fits the bill.

    Thanks Blogwaffe

    Mami 04.09.2010 @ 00:30

    Aahh! Finally! I was searchin for weeks for a tool, to fix the ping “problem”


    Dick 05.02.2010 @ 07:23

    Hello Mike, I am a blogger in AZ and even after a few years of experience with WordPress there are still some things I am fuzzy about, Pingbacks being one of them. I did a doubletake when I saw the number of comments for this post for your No Self Pings plug in. Still dont know a good pingback from a bad one, I was under the impression that anything that started out with [ ] followed by text from my post was to be deleted as spam. You’re right, it is a pain to moderate these, should I just shut up and install your plug in?

    SUMBER ARTIKEL 05.13.2010 @ 02:16

    Wow..this plugin is very nice, i will download it also and install it to my blog, thank you soo much !

    Ryan 06.14.2010 @ 10:37

    This plugin should be rolled into core!

    This has always annoyed the crap out of me. Thanks for writing a plugin to fix it :)

    Riyaz 06.15.2010 @ 00:48

    Great Plugin!

    Does it remove the previous self pings? the ones that created before activating the plugin?

    Appreciate your inputs.

    – Riyaz

      Kamal Hasa 07.03.2010 @ 09:38

      I guess not. It just avoids new trackbacks, that’s all.

    Jack 11.07.2010 @ 06:51

    Just what I’ve been looking for! self pings are eyesore! Brilliant! Downloading and hope it works!

    sidash 11.08.2010 @ 11:38

    This plugin should be rolled into core!

    Joss Winn 11.15.2010 @ 23:50

    This plugin has never worked for me on WordPress MU/Multi Site.

    Leo 12.06.2010 @ 14:57

    Perfect solution to my pinging problems:)

      Sarouel homme 08.18.2012 @ 00:32

      Yes, this plugin helps, but, but, the best should be to forbid pingback at all cost!

    Matt 03.18.2011 @ 21:48

    This plugin hasn’t been updated since 2007-4-22.

    Any plans to bring this up-to-date?

      MDA 06.30.2011 @ 08:56

      No, because it still works.

    y2kemo 04.28.2011 @ 07:16

    Just what I was looking for! I use YARPP for related posts and found the self ping comments redundant and ugly. Thanks.

    andy 05.05.2011 @ 14:12

    Ok, so self pinging is not good. But what about all the posts that have already been self-pinged?
    Should they be removed?

    Rocky 09.27.2011 @ 01:13

    Thanks for this.

    I just deleted 20+ pingbacks because I divided a 3000 word article into 6 smaller posts and interlinked them all. I’m fairly new to blogging and didn’t know anything about pingbacks and the annoyance that they can cause.

    Installed the plugin already. It should help me out because I am starting another series soon.


    yeah !!! its really amazing plugins for wordpress users, it will protect blogs to ping back. And we all should recommended this.



    Kopanicarstvo Vinko 06.15.2012 @ 06:11

    “No Self Pings” is very useful plugin for my WordPress website, especially when I use to link content of a new post to some pages/older posts within the site.

    Ljubljana Piran 07.07.2012 @ 14:22

    I use this plug in on my website about Slovénie. It is eally good.

    Amit 07.25.2012 @ 03:51

    wow this plugin is so much nice after 1 read i download this plugin and i using this in my blogs..

    thank you so much for sharing this great plugin

    Francina 08.06.2012 @ 00:36

    That’s true, pingback spam is a real pain in the A.., it’s very difficult to fight it. I hope your plugin will help me.

    grzelak 08.22.2012 @ 23:53

    Yes,this is it! Jak chcesz porozmawaić wiecej na ten temat to zaprasz na moją strone Męskie Kosmetyki Bardzo ciekawa propozycja biokosmetyków dla prawdziwych mężczyzn

    Mütter 08.24.2012 @ 10:11

    I agree, but what can you do against pingback-spam. It´s all about linking, as long as google doesn´t change it´s algo.

    Linda Bradshaw 08.31.2012 @ 17:42

    I was just asking a friend of mine about this ping back situation. I had read an article that told me that linking one post to a previous post was a good way to build relevance and authority. I didn’t know if this self-ping back was supposed to be part of that “good way” or if it was an undesirable side-effect. So am I to understand that linking to a previous post is good, but the ping back is bad? I’m asking this with page rank in mind….

    Krishoo 08.31.2012 @ 22:07

    You are right i agree with you. Thank You..

    Pingback from Wordpress Plugin Tipps (15) - Teil 1 09.14.2012 @ 07:43

    […] Self Pings >> von Michael D. Adams Mit diesem Plugin verhindert man dass Trackbacks/Pings bei der internen Verlinkung an die eigene […]

    Zioła 09.18.2012 @ 13:17

    Yes. Regards

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